Hair-instruction: how to wake up in the morning with a stylish styling
Brilliant curls, carelessly framing the face,easy basal volume, neat waves - and all this without ploey-stylers, foams and varnishes. And, importantly, there is no morning rush. Dream? Stylists assure: reality. All that is required is a little time before going to sleep: follow the simple instruction and enjoy the result.
How to quickly pack hair in the morning: expert recommendations
Wash your head, apply a softeningconditioner and rinse after five to ten minutes. You can rinse your hair with a warm herbal solution of chamomile or oak bark with a few drops of lemon juice - this will add strands of shine and elasticity. Allow hair to dry naturally, or dry it with a hairdryer set in cool air. Do not lie down with damp curls, even if they are collected in a towel - next morning you will get a shock of disobedient, dull hair, which will be difficult to give an attractive look.
Brush with natural bristles - the best tool for drying hair with a hair dryer
Lightly drizzle the curls in the root zonespray-fixer on a water basis - it does not stick together the strands, allowing them to retain their elasticity. Long hair plait in a weak braid, having intercepted a tape, short - wind up попрядно on some soft папильоток. Such strands can be made for yourself in a couple of minutes from soft paper and knitted tapes: they will not spoil even weak and thin curls.
Collect hair in a free braid or plaits for easy volume
Use a silk handkerchief to wrap ithair. A gentle cloth does not dry out, does not entangle or damage curls, on the contrary it strengthens and gives extra shine. In the morning you will just need to remove the bandage and gently comb the strands - a beautiful natural styling is ready.
Stylish laying effortlessly and hassle