Change in the density, structure, color of skincovers occurs under the influence of internal / external stimuli. Red spots on the legs may indicate a physiological or pathological factor in the onset of a skin reaction. The appearance of red spots on the lower limbs, especially if they cause discomfort, itch, flake, inflame - a direct indication for immediate medical attention. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to serious complications, so only the specialist should conduct the diagnosis and prescribe the therapy.

Red spots on the legs - symptoms:

  • rashes are most often grouped on the knees, legs, feet, outer / inner thighs;

  • can burn, itch, flake off, release fluid;

  • The rash is of different shapes and colors - from large red spots to small spots of light pink hue;

  • sometimes spots appear on the background of temperature spikes, chills, fever.

Types of spots

All the red spots on the legs are divided into two groups:

  • cardiovascular (edematous, inflammatory). Formed in the presence of inflammation in the vessels, eventually increase in size. Against the background of infection, allergies, dermatitis, eczema are scaly and itch. Erythema - large vascular spots are irregularly shaped, resulting from dermatitis, taxidermy, eczema. They are very itchy, the lesion focus has a red and inflamed appearance;

  • hemorrhagic. They are formed due to a violation of the permeability of the vessels that occurs during trauma and inflammatory processes.

On the red spots on the body, read here.

Causes of appearance (photo)

  1. Allergy. Allergens can be cosmetic and cleaning products, pet hair, food. The allergic reaction is manifested by small specks, which gradually turn into flaky foci and itchy blisters. Complex treatment: the exclusion of contacts with the allergen plus the use of antihistamines.

  2. Atopic dermatitis. It manifests itself as condensed scaly patches on the legs / hands. A distinctive feature of the disease is the activation of the rash in winter, fading in the summer. Atopicdermatitis is a chronic pathology, the correction of the skin condition is carried out with the help of hormonal ointments.

  3. Mycosis. Fungal infections provoke the appearance of a rash on the toes and toes. As the disease progresses, the pathological process quickly spreads to neighboring healthy tissues. Treatment of mycosis includes local (treatment of affected segments with antimycotic drugs) and general (antimycotics) therapy.

  4. Viral infection. Small red dots and spots on the hips, legs, feet, appearing simultaneously with fever, feverish condition, general malaise, may indicate an infectious disease - rubella, measles, chicken pox. Eruptions quickly enough transformed into papular tumors, accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, itching. Therapy involves the use of antiseptic, drying agents, immunomodulators.

  5. External influence. A rash on the skin of the legs can result from chemical / thermal burns, frostbite / weathering, bruises, insect bites. Also worth noting the sun and its rays - from which the white skin can become covered with spots.

  6. Systemic diseases:

    • diabetes. Dermopathy with diabetes appears symmetrically on both legs. The spots have a red-brown color and a small diameter (up to 1 centimeter). In 10-15% of cases, the patient develops the ringed granuloma Darya - the rashes focus on the trunk and legs, at the first stage they look like pinkish swollen spots, on the second they start to merge, forming original patterns;

    • phlebeurysm. The first sign of varicose veins is red spots and heaviness in the legs. The triggered disease leads to thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers, which are difficult to treat traditionally;

    • vasculitis. Disease multifactorial nature, characterized by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels of the dermis. Clinic of cutaneous vasculitis: the formation of red spots of papular-hemorrhagic nature on the legs and buttocks, joint pains - articular syndrome (pain in the ankle / knee joints), fever, blood in the stool, tenderness of the abdomen, vomiting.

  7. Vegetative dysfunction. It can be latent (leaky) pristupoobraznoy or permanent. It is manifested by panic attacks, digestive tract disorders, dizziness, irregular blood pressure, the appearance of red spots on the lower / upper limbs. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires the appointment of medications of various pharmacological groups - neuroleptics, antidepressants, nootropics, tranquilizers.

  8. Hives. Occurs when in direct contact with nettle. Typical symptomatology: red spots on the limbs, reminiscent of blisters, bruises, intense itching. After finding out the reason that provoked such a reaction, contact with the allergen should be eliminated, otherwise the further development of the process, resulting from itching to Quinck's swelling, suffocation, and death, is not ruled out.

  9. Teleangiectasia (vascular asterisks). A syndrome characterized by vasodilation, the formation of bluish-red spots on the skin of the legs, less often - the trunk, face. The most effective ways to treat telangiectasia of the lower extremities are laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy.

  10. Thrombocytopenic purpura (Verlhof disease). It differs by two mutually exclusive signs: on the one hand, blood clots are formed in small vessels, which leads to a stop of blood flow, on the other - blood clots are not formed and bleeding begins. As a result, the surface of the limbs and trunk is covered with purple spots. The prognosis is usually favorable, the mortality rate is 4% after the initial hemorrhagic attack, 8% - after repeated attacks.

  11. Alcohol can also cause spots.

Red spots on the legs of a child

There are different - spilled and point-like, havevarious shades - from a light pink (almost white spot) to bright red. They can merge and cover significant segments of skin. If the baby has a red spot around his leg, you should show it to the pediatrician, find out what it is and take the course of treatment.

Causes of occurrence:

  • allergy. Red spots with food allergies concentrate on the feet and in the shin area, accompanied by skin flushing, burning, severe itching, swelling, and dryness. The rash, which is localized between the legs, indicates abnormalities in diet; on the buttocks and thighs - on intolerance of individual products;

  • infectious and viral diseases. Red spots appear against the background of classic cold symptoms - high fever, nasal congestion, coughing;

  • parasitic diseases;

  • pathology of vascular and circulatory systems;

  • disorders in the functioning of the digestive system, kidneys, pancreas;

  • insect bites, uncomfortable tight shoes and clothes.

On white spots on the nails read here.

Red spots on the legs: treatment

For adequate diagnosis it is necessary to passcomplex medical examination: to pass general and biochemical blood tests, blood biochemistry with hepatic assays, phlebography, blood test for sugar, scraping of the epidermis for the determination of fungal diseases, bacterial seeding of epidermal cells. Any rashes on the skin of the legs require thorough diagnosis and medical therapy. Red spots on the legs in babies should be treated under the doctor's control to avoid side effects and unpleasant mistakes that can affect the child's health in the most negative way.

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