The Melon Diet

For a melon diet, it is best to use ripe,aromatic melons. In addition to them, the diet should contain vegetables, fruits, it is also recommended to eat protein foods daily (fish, seafood, chicken, eggs). During the diet should be excluded such products as sugar, confectionery, alcohol, sausages, smoked products and bakery products. It is desirable to drink tea without sugar and juice.
For a week of melon diet you can lose up to 3 kgexcess weight. A day is recommended about 1.5 kg of melon pulp, it should be divided into five parts and eat every hour from 4 pm to 8 pm. Breakfast every day is the same: a glass of boiled rice without salt, seasoned with a tablespoon of soy sauce, diluted with lemon juice (1: 1); a glass of berry infusion (brew 1.5 cups of boiling water 2 tablespoons of mashed berries (cranberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc.), insist 10 minutes under the lid, then strain). For dinner, always 400-500 gr. melons, green tea without sugar.
1 day. Dinner: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper and onions (200 g.), dressed with a tablespoon of olive or soybean oil; 150 gr. cottage cheese (9% fat), a glass of apple infusions (cut into thin slices of a half of apple, pour boiling water (1.5 items), insist 20 minutes and strain).
2 day. Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and herbs (200 g.), seasoned with a tablespoon of a mixture of lemon and apple juice (1: 1), 150 gr. boiled fish (pink salmon, cod or mullet), green tea without sugar.
3 day. Lunch: 200 gr. salad from boiled grated vegetables (beets, carrots and fresh cucumbers with garlic and greens), seasoned with lemon juice (to taste) and a tablespoon of sour cream, omelet from one egg, black tea without sugar.
4 day. Lunch: 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, herbs), green tea without sugar.
5 day. Lunch: 150 gr. boiled fish, 200 gr. salad from cabbage, tomatoes and onions.
6th day. Lunch: soft-boiled egg, salad from boiled vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, beets), tea without sugar.
Day 7. Dinner: Salad of celery, apples, cucumbers and avocado pulp (200 g), dressed 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, boiled white poultry (chicken or turkey), a glass of cocktail "Melon in Champagne": melon 300 g, 1 tbsp. l. light honey, 1 tbsp. apple juice, 2 tbsp. champagne. Wash the melon, wipe it with a towel, cut into two halves, take out the seeds and the core. Teaspoon with sharp edges cut out the melon pulp balls and spread out on high glasses. Honey is diluted in apple juice, the mixture is divided into four parts, pour it with melon balls and put it for ten minutes in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour chilled champagne.
There is one more week variant of melondiet, which will help to lose up to 4 kg. Menu for all days of the week. Breakfast: 400 g of peeled melon, sliced. 2 breakfast: a glass of yogurt. Lunch: 400 g of purified melon, a plate of boiled rice (200 g), a glass of green tea. Afternoon snack: a piece of black bread with butter, tea. Dinner: 200 grams of rice (buckwheat, pearl barley or potato), salad from raw vegetables and 200 g of boiled meat, poultry.