Hairstyles for girls on the New Year 2017 with their own hands, photos and videos. Ideas for hairstyles for girls on New Year's for short, medium, long hair, in kindergarten and school
The threshold of New Year's matinees in kindergartensand schools - a "hot" time for parents of girls. In a short time they will have to solve a lot of important issues, for example, the choice of New Year's costume and shoes, selection of accessories, and the original hairstyle. And if you can quickly determine the first items in the nearest clothing store, then with a selection of hairstyles can be great namuchatsya. First, it must be in harmony with the image as a whole. Secondly, the New Year's hairdo should not be difficult to perform and uncomfortable in sock. And thirdly, it should be necessarily fashionable and combined with accessories, for example, a diadem or crown. All these important criteria correspond to the hairstyles for girls for the New Year with their own hands from our today's selection of master classes with photos and videos. In it you will find stylish and beautiful options for girls 7-9 and 10-12 years old with short, medium and long hair. These are the most simple in performance and at the same time incredibly beautiful children's hairdresses will make your little one the brightest star on the matinee in honor of the New Year 2017!
How to make a hairdress for a girl on New Year 2017 with her own hands on short hair, photo
At first glance, girls with short hairThere are not many varieties of beautiful Hairstyles for the New Year, which you could have done yourself. Most often, on short hair, holiday arrangements are made with a curling iron or curler. Next, you are invited to step-by-step photos and master classes, how to make a hairstyle for a girl with short hair for the New Year with her own hands. We are sure that they will turn your idea about the limitations of holiday options for short hair.
A variation of the New Year style with short hair for a girl 7-9 years old
To begin with, we suggest mastering a very simple, but effective hairstyle, like a spit-waterfall. To do this, separate the lock of hair from the side and divide it into 2 equal parts.
Each part of the strand is made into a tight band, as shown in the photo below.
Then put one flagellum on the other, crossing them.
Separate the next small string from above, lightly scroll it into a bundle and put it between the two main strands, cross again.
Then repeat the previous paragraph by movingfrom top to bottom to the back of the head. Focus on the density and length of the hair, as well as the desired effect. At the end, fix the hair with a transparent elastic band and invisible.
A hairstyle variant for a girl of 10-12 years with short hair
This romantic and simple styling is ideal for girls with quads. The first thing is to separate the two small strands in front and take them back. We connect them with an elastic band.
Then take a narrow strand from the side and wind it in the tail. Repeat with the rest of the hair on the temples and go to the other side. The ends of the strands are fixed with a rubber band in the tail.
Slightly pull the strands to make the hair more spacious. Loose ends curl on the curling iron and comb with your fingers. In conclusion, we fix the laying for the New Year 2017 varnish.
Beautiful hairstyles for the New Year 2017 for girls with their hands on medium hair, photo
Average length of hair allows you to create moreoriginal and beautiful hairstyles for the New Year 2017 with their own hands for girls of different ages. The most popular options are based on the volume of tail, beams, braids. Master classes of beautiful hairstyles for the New Year for girls with their own hands on medium hair, which you will find further, are just such trend variants.
Beautiful styling for the New Year 2017 for the girl 7-9 years old for medium length hair
A very simple, but original holiday hairstyle based on tail, which can be done in just 5 minutes. First, you need to divide the hair into 3 identical tails.
Each tail is folded in half inside and fixed with thin elastic bands.
Then we lift each tail and fix it with pins, forming a careless bunch.
At the end, we spray the lacquer with a varnish and decorate the tiara.
Original hairstyle with a tail for a 10-12 year old girl with her own hands
We divide the hair into two parts, separating the upper strands and fixing them with an elastic band in the tail. The lower part of the hair is braided in a tight braid.
We take a scythe and we braid it with a tail from above.
We fix the tourniquet from the spit in place by invisible spikes and stilettos.
Add a bright barrette or flower. Also this simple hairstyle can be decorated with a diadem or crown. If desired, the tips of the tail can be curled in curls.
Original hairstyle options for girls with long hair for the New Year, photos and videos
The most difficulties with choosing a hairstyle forThe New Year comes from long-haired ladies. Judge for yourself, a huge number of original hairstyles for the New Year for long hair with their own hands makes girls think about which one to prefer. In addition, festive laying on long locks takes much more time and effort than hairstyles for short and medium hair. However, the originality of hair styles for girls for the New Year 2017 with long hair more than compensates for these shortcomings. Moreover, thanks to accessories, for example, diadems or crowns, you can easily change the New Year's image for the morning performance in the kindergarten or school.
Romantic hairstyle for the New Year 2017 for a girl 7-9 years old
The first variant of festive styling is excellentsuitable for a romantic image for the New Year, for example, Cinderella or Princess. First, we collect the hair in a low lateral tail and fix it with an elastic band. It is possible to pre-treat the hair with an indelible liquid conditioner, so that they do not crumble and remain smooth. Separate from above a wide strand and braid it in a braid.
Piglet must be tight and tight. Gently begin to fold the braid into a spiral, as shown in the photo below.
After the braid is completely transformed into a spiral, fix it with studs, and the tip is hidden under the tail.
The ends of the tail are curled with a curling rod. We fix the packing with varnish.
Children's elegant hairstyle for 10-12 years for the New Year with their own hands
At the heart of this elegant hairstyle is a bunch, but notusual, and a variant with a braided scythe. Due to this, the styling looks very delicate, refined and perfectly suited for a festive morning performance at the school. So, divide the hair into two parts - a small strand on top and the main tail, as in the photo below.
From each part we separate the thin strand, we put one strand on another, tightly pressing.
Then we separate one more thin strand from the main tail and begin to weave the usual pigtail. Gradually we weave strands from the upper and lower tails. A circular braid forms, forming a bundle.
We weave the pigtail to the end. We hide its end under the base of the beam and fix it with pins. Be sure to evenly distribute the hair, so that the beam turned out beautiful and neat.
At the end we fix the hairdo with a varnish. If desired, you can decorate the styling with a flower or crown.