Ocean of freshness: an individual skin care program with Valmont Hydration
Most of the skin needs moisturizing -precious moisture is a conductor of nutrients, regulates metabolic processes, gives elasticity and elasticity to the upper layer of the dermis. Specialists of the Swiss brand Valmont have developed an intensive Hydration moisturizing line for face care and decollete zone. The innovative series includes seven tools for the daily beauty ritual. Tonic with moisturizing fluid is the first stage of the procedure: it refreshes the skin and prepares it for applying cosmetic preparations. A booster with a gel texture enhances the action of active substances, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis. Moisturizing emulsion saturates the skin with moisture, and nighttime - provides a full rest during sleep.
Night regenerating cream with DNA andhyaluronic acid nourishes the skin, returning her youthful radiance, and the morning concentrate gives softness and velvety. The final stage of the ritual is an intensive mask that immediately moistens the dried and tired skin. All means ValmontHydration are designed for regular use.
Light perfume aromas of Valmont Hydration give a special charm to the beauty ritual
Duet of moisturizing cream and active mask-concentrate - "first aid" for problem skin
Promotion of the Valmont Hydration series in social networks
Advertising campaign line on the official website Valmont