Russian salon cosmetics are a double benefit!

For a long time, professional cosmetics in Russiawas represented only by foreign lines - the most expensive and prestigious were brought from France, Switzerland, Italy. Import prices have always been many times higher than domestic ones, and it is understandable why: because of the costs of certification, transportation, customs, distribution, international advertising and so on.

Today, as part of the destabilizingeconomic situation, the beauty industry is influenced by two main factors: the rise in prices for products due to the collapse of the ruble exchange rate, as well as the decline in purchasing power in general because of the general increase in prices. Now the consumer is at a crossroads, wondering how to save and not lose the quality of the product, or worse, do not harm your appearance. The answer is to buy domestic salon cosmetics. It's profitable! From which side do not look.

Russian salon cosmetics are a double benefit!

So, in the prescription cosmetics PREMIUM comeforeign ingredients, however, not the finished product is imported to Russia, but only raw materials, due to which the cost of the preparations is much lower, with equal, and sometimes even superior, quality compared to foreign analogs.

Importance of PREMIUM on average is 20%all costs related to equipment, partly raw materials and packaging. However, the guarantee of the stability of the Salon Cosmetics is its own factory in the Moscow region, the Training Center, unique recipes, exclusive equipment, and a well-established quality management system.

For more than 20 years PREMIUM Cosmetics Salontrust thousands of professionals throughout Russia and the CIS, and modern technology enables Russians to purchase professional cosmetics not only in salons and specialized stores, but in open sale.

Russian salon cosmetics are a double benefit!

PREMIUM has the ability to bring to the marketthe widest range of products that solve most cosmetic problems, based on their individual skin features. Imported producers, in turn, are forced to reduce the range of products supplied and to present "harmless" and, unfortunately, sometimes inactive universal products.

We have long learned how to make a decenta competitive product, which today is clearly preferable to the western and eastern, due to Russia's economic, cultural and climatic characteristics. Buying Russian salon cosmetics you win twice. The first is unequivocally in price, and the second - in getting exactly "your" product for your money!

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