Lunar manicure

We did not say in vain that the moon manicure again became popular. Actually about this kind of manicure forgotten for many years. It first appeared in the 1920s. Even then, women of fashion noted that you can visually reduce the nails, if the hole near the cuticle is painted with a lighter color of the varnish. But soon they forgot about this kind of manicure. And it's good that Dior reminded us all about him again!
The moon manicure has one more name - "return jacket". Yes, this manicure is very similar in style to performance. But the classic French jacket is quite a new invention, which appeared much later than the moon manicure.
The moon manicure has a lot of options for doing. Let's start with the fact that for such a manicure you canchoose different combinations of colors, and this is not allowed for the jacket. The main thing here is to choose colors so that they fit well with each other. So, for the main part you can always use black color. It perfectly matches with gold, silver, red lacquers. And other colors are also suitable. Do not want black? You can take any other color of the varnish. You have so many options that you can try.
In addition to color options, you can also experiment with the way of doing a lunar manicure. So, you can make a moon manicure in the forma crescent moon that will repeat the shape of the base of the nail. And you can also turn the shape and paint over the hole, repeating the execution of the jacket. In addition, you can make a triangular shape of the "moon". As you can see, there is always, from which to choose.
Lunar manicure in its complexity refers to the easiest types of manicure. If you know how to make a jacket, you will not bespecial work to do the moon manicure. But remember that the manicure dries very long, so allocate enough time for yourself. Agree that it will be insulting if you spoil such beauty.

Now let's tell, how to make a moon manicure. There is nothing complicated. You will need two color varnishes, a varnish-fixer and stencils. It is also desirable to stock up with a means to accelerate the drying of the varnish. This tool is not necessary, because you can do without it.
So, first remove the old layer of varnish. If there is no lacquer on the nails, then simply degrease the nail plates with a nail polish remover. Now apply the first coat of nail polish. This will be the primary color. Allow this layer to dry completely. Next you will need stencil for the lunar manicure. In fact, this stencil is a strip forjacket. Only they need to be glued much lower to form that very moon. Next, cover the nail hole with the second color of the varnish. Wait a few minutes until the varnish dries well. Then you can shoot the stripes. It is desirable that for each nail you have a separate strip. So you just do not make mistakes and accelerate the process. Now you only need to cover your nails with a colorless varnish to fix the result.
Similarly, you can make a second kind of moon manicure. Draw a thin brush with an arch, framing the nail. Allow the varnish to dry. Then, using a stencil, cover the nail with the main color.
When performing a lunar manicure it is very important that all the moons on the nails were the same size. This manicure looks best.
On this you can finish your manicure. But also you can add a few ornaments. For example, you can draw a thin line at the junctiontwo colors (usually use silver or gold paint). You can also add a few pebbles. And on the main part of the nail, you can draw patterns. So, very fashionable pattern today in polka dots. You can also decorate not all the nails, but only some of them, which is also very fashionable.