New Year's make-up 2012

The New Year is getting closer, and women are increasinglythink about the New Year's image, which they are going to hit everyone at a festive party. Think dress, accessories, manicure ... But the image will be incomplete without proper make-up. What it is, New Year's make-up 2012?
The coming 2012 is the year of the black water Dragon on the Eastern calendar. The colors that the symbol of 2012 year to heart are black, blue, gold and silver. Another Dragon likes shine and luxury, so pearly shades and sequins will be relevant, and for the bravest - false eyelashes with rhinestones.
Despite the fact that the black color seems toomourning, it can be harmoniously entered into the New Year's make-up of 2012. Classic smoky eyes, executed in black or dark gray, will give your view a mystery. Silvery black and gray shadows will help to "open" the eyes and make the look more expressive. By the way, they will look original smoky eyes, executed in gold color.
Alternative to black color - various shades of blue. You can choose the one that is betterjust fits your eye color. Current will be turquoise shadows, reminiscent of the sea depths. You can use other colors, for example, emerald green in combination with yellow-gold, a combination of silver with blue or purple.
In general, the New Year's make-up of 2012 - Bright and bold, executed in deep and saturated tones. The dragon does not like simplicity, modesty,banality and homeliness. You can try to make a New Year's make-up in oriental style, but if you are a fragile blonde, this version of makeup will most likely not look too natural.
It will look original monochrome make-up, made in several shades of the same color. For example, you can take as a basis violetcolor and its shades - plum, lilac, lavender. The emphasis in this case should be done either on the eyes or on the lips. And do not forget to choose the appropriate color of nail polish and make sure that the makeup is combined with your dress.

It is best to choose for New Year's makeup shimmering shadows. Their basis consists of pearlescent particles,they give the eyes a special radiance. You can also use decorative sequins and pastes for make-up. Shimmer should not only the eyes, but also the skin, so it is worth using for a make-up shiny powder.
If you do not like to use shadowsfor eyelids, you can draw a liquid liner or liner fat black arrows that will make you look like a flirtatious kitty. And do not forget about mascara, which will make them longer and fluffy. You can use black, brown or blue mascara and impose it more generously than usual. Do not forget to curl your eyelashes with special forceps.
But if you do not like bright make-up, do not get discouraged: New Year's makeup 2012 can be more modest, close to the natural. Lovers of restrained and laconic images will suit makeup in warm golden tones. He will not be too pretentious and provocative, but the Dragon will still like it, because it has a golden color.
Separately it is necessary to talk about New Year's make-up of lips. So the eye make-up is supposed to be bright, the lipsshould look as neutral as possible, you will get a transparent shine or lipstick, the color of which is as close as possible to the natural color of your lips. And if you decide not to focus on the eyes, you can experiment with bright and rich shades of lipstick: coral, maroon, bright scarlet, dark cherry, orange.
Remember the sense of proportion and the golden rule of makeup: to make out either eyes or lips. True, the fashion house Dior in one of the spring collections offered a bold combination of blue, green, yellow, bright pink shadows with bright lipstick, reminiscent of girls with posters in the style of pin-up. But with this make-up you need to be very careful: The line between originality and vulgarity is very, very thin.
New Year's makeup 2012 - unusual, original, attracting the attention of others. Do not be afraid to experiment - the Dragon will appreciate your courage and will patronize you all next year!