Masks for the skin around the eyesAny woman knows how important care for the skin around the eyes: the skin in this zone is very thin and tender. To fight with irritation, dryness and swelling help special cosmetics and home face masks for the skin around the eyes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes nourish and moisturize the delicate skin, eliminate swelling and bruising under the eyes, hide the signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. Some masks help smooth out small wrinkles and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

Natural masks for the skin around the eyes are absolutelyharmless, unless you have allergies to individual components. These masks are made of ingredients that can be found in virtually any kitchen: fruits, vegetables, honey, oatmeal, eggs, etc. We offer you several home eye mask recipes.

Mask made of flaxseed

Many women are well known curative properties of flaxseed and linseed oil, and they successfully use them forskin care. The mask for the skin around the eyes from flaxseed helps prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, nourishes and smoothes the skin and eliminates inflammation.

To prepare this mask, take two spoonsflaxseed and pour two cups of water. Brew the seed until it is boiled. The resulting mass is put between pieces of gauze in a warm form and for 20 minutes left on the face. Then my face is hot and rinsed with cold water.

Mask from margarine

To prepare a mask for the skin of the eyelids frommargarine, we need margarine or butter (25 g), two walnut kernels and natural sour juice - lemon, cowberry, pomegranate or cranberry. Razirayem margarine or butter with walnuts and add a teaspoon of juice in the resulting mass. The resulting mask should be applied to the skin of the eyelid by skin lines thin layer.

Mask of potatoes

Potato starch has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids. Mask for the skin around the eyes is done this way: we take a medium-sized potato, carefully wash it and rub it on a small grater with a peel. Then mix the grated potatoes with olive oil. This must be done very quickly, until the potatoes have darkened! Instead of olive oil, you can use any other vegetable oil without additives.

Lubricate eyelids with oil and put cakes on themthe resulting potato mass. We keep the mask on our eyes for about half an hour, then we remove the flat cakes and remove the remains of starch with a cotton swab. This mask can cause a slight redness of the skin, so preferably do it in the evening. After removing the mask, you need to wash your face thoroughly and apply a night cream to your skin.

Mask of oatmeal with honey

This mask fits well for dry skin. It helps to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes. To prepare this mask, take two spoons of honey and mix them with two tablespoons of oatmeal and one spoon of very strong tea. To the mask has acquired the necessary consistency, we add a little water to it. The resulting mass is slightly heated in a water bath. We put a mask on the skin around the eyes and cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask at first warm, and then cool water. Apply a little moisturizer on the skin.

Cucumber mask

Probably, the most famous home masks - This is a cucumber. When watching movies, you probably noticed: if the heroine makes a mask, then it must be a mask of pieces of cucumber. The reason for this popularity of cucumber masks is their effectiveness.

To make a mask for the contour of the eyes from the cucumber,rub on a large grater fresh cucumber, squeeze the juice from it and put the cucumber pulp on the eyelids. We keep the mask for about 15 minutes, then wash it off with cool water and apply a nourishing cream on the eyelids.

If you do not want to fiddle with a grater, you can achieve the same effect by putting it on your eyelids thinly sliced ​​fresh cucumber slices. But they need to be replaced on a regular basis.

Home masks for the skin around the eyes will help you stay young and attractive.

Masks for the skin around the eyes
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