Boho-style: bohemian chic
Phrase "Boho-style" is associated with us first of all with bohemia -free artists, creative intelligentsia, which is alien to the framework and rules. Over time, the Boho-style penetrated from the bohemian environment to the catwalks and began to transform from a fashionable trend into a way of life.

The word "bohemia" comes from the geographical name Bohemia. This region was inhabited by gypsies, a free roaming people, who were strangers to the rules and conventions. The French called bohemians - bohémiens - people of art who, like the Gypsies, denied universally accepted values and aspired to a carefree life.

Since bohemia did not raise money to the cult, their earnings were very volatile. Dressed representatives of the bohemian, respectively. At the dawn of the formation of the style, their wardrobe consisted mainly of gypsy skirts and dresses, shabby jeans and shirts "a la hippie". Over time, designers have become interested in this style, and the boho-style has ceased to be the hallmark of a particular social stratum.

Modern bocho-style is bizarre eclectic combination many other styles: hippies, ethnic style (gypsy, oriental, Native American motifs), military style. Depending on the prevalence of this or that style, the bocho-style is divided into currents: new hippies, vintage, even bomstyle (especially it is common in America).

At first glance, it seems that creating an image in the style of bokho-chic is simple enough: what should we create an artistic mess? In fact, the Boho-style demands from its followers subtle taste. Nothing is as orderly as a thoroughly and thoughtfully crafted art disorder in clothes. You should change the sense of balance - and your image from the trend will become tasteless.

In principle, the Boho-style does not limit in the choice of things, but it is possible to distinguish several key garments, which always remain relevant. These are fluffy cotton skirts and sarafans in the floor, embroidered tunics embroidered with beads and stones, shortened jackets and vests, tight jeans, baggy knitted and crocheted cardigans.

The most common accessories - a large voluminous costume jewelry, large sunglasses, wide belts with rivets, hats (straw, fedora), three-dimensional bags decorated with rivets, belts and fringe. Typical footwear - sandals on a flat sole, cowboy boots and ugg boots.

Accessories, by the way, should be the most expensive items in your image in the style of boho-chic. It is considered a bad form to dress completely in one brand or copy the images from the podiums. Boho-style is style of people who value a bright personality, who are not afraid to mix different styles and directions when creating a unique bright image.

Boho-style: bohemian chic Boho-style: bohemian chic Boho-style: bohemian chic

In recent years, boho-style has become more a way of life than a style in clothes. If in the last century the style of boho-chic was the lot of unconcerned bohemia, now its followers are different active citizenship in relation to the environment. Boho-style is increasingly approaching the eco-style. A girl dressing in the style of a Boho, in choosing a dress, make sure that cosmetics do not harm the state of the environment.

Among the boho are many vegetarians and vegans, fighters for animal rights, actively opposed to wearing clothes made of genuine leather and fur. By the way, it's not cheap to be afraid, because things from materials that cause minimal harm to the environment, are not so cheap. Synthetic blouse will cost several times cheaper than its "green" analog of the same color and style.

But while the Boho-style - this is not the lotexclusively rich. In vogue, vintage clothing with a story, so if you get a grandmother's dress out of the trunk and change it a bit (or even leave it as it is), you will not be condemned - on the contrary, it is welcomed. Terms associated with reuse and cross-dressing - restyling, redesign, refashion and even trashion (combination of words trash - garbage and fashion - fashion) - firmly entered the fashionable vocabulary of the boy-girls. Handmade work is also appreciated - hand-sewn and related dresses. So the handmayers of the Boho-style fit perfectly well.

Boho-style has long ceased to be exclusively the lot of creative bohemia. Now the style of bokho-chic is a style of confident people who appreciate freedom and individuality and strive to live in harmony with the world around them.

Boho-style: bohemian chic
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