Hair extensionLong, thick hair, whatever fashion is telling us, was valued and will always be appreciated. What if the nature did not give you a luxurious head of hair? You can, of course, buy a wig or a hairpiece, but hereonly this cost is expensive and the maintenance effort requires a lot. In addition, sometimes it is very difficult to achieve the natural appearance of such unnatural ringlets.

A much more natural solution - hair extension. Due to the fact that this procedure allowsachieve any desired length and density of hairstyle, hair extensions have become simply world-wide popularity. Are you ready to run to the hair salon? Do not hurry! First, let's look at what this procedure is, whether it is safe.

One of the first methods of hair extension appeared is English build-up. With this method of buildinghot resin, so it is called hot. The master squeezes out on the "native" strand of hair a tiny drop of resin with a special gun. This resin binds its hair to the donor and the junction site is formed into a capsule. Donor strands of hair are attached to the occipital and temporal parts of the head. With this method of attachment, the length of the donor strand can reach 70 cm. "Enough" of one English extension for 3-4 months, after which the hair should either be removed or an adjustment procedure should be carried out.

The same hot way to attach donor hair to your own is used when Italian build-up. The difference is that in the case ofItalian build-up of donor strand already has a capsule of resin. It is sufficient to soften the resin with a special heating device and it is already possible to attach the overhead strands of hair. The Italian method of building - the most common. It is also very comfortable and light, and the hair extensions can be worn for up to six months.

In contrast to hot, there is a cold build-up of hair. One such technology - Spanish. The process of fastening the strands is identical to the Englishbuilding up with the difference that the Spanish method does not require heating. Specially designed adhesive fastens donor strands and such hair can be worn for 3-4 months. However, the Spanish build is not suitable for brunettes, as the glue has a light tint. Strands can be easily removed at the end of the term.

For owners of hard hair is suitable for another method of cold build-up - buildup with beads. The main difference of this method is the absenceprocedures of gluing hair, and so this build-up least harms the hair. The hair is attached with the help of metal-ceramic beads with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Beads are easy to match for the hair color thanks to the huge color palette. In addition, this build-up is also suitable for bangs. strands are attached at a distance of 5 mm from the roots of the hair. Within 4 months you can safely enjoy these hair.

The fastest, but the most short-lived hair extension - ribbon. With this method, the hair is attached to the silicone tape and neither heating nor beads is needed. The procedure takes only about 1 hour, and you can wear such hair for about a month.

Pros and cons of hair extensions

The positive effect of hair extensions "onface ", in all senses. Transformation into a long-haired beauty allows you to make the most luxurious hairstyles, which, no doubt, will suit any wardrobe. Aesthetic satisfaction from its new species will present an excellent mood for a long time. And from a smile, as you know, and a gloomy day seems lighter.

However, during sleep you can feel some discomfort, especially at first. In the absence of wind, hair extensions look natural, but with strong gusts, the hair fixing points will become noticeable. In addition, the total "weight" of all capsules is also felt on the head. Do not forget about additional care products for hair extensions.

Thoroughly weigh all the benefits and disadvantages of hair extensions for you personally. And if you are not afraid of difficulties and additional worries, decide!

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