Winter Lip Care
Cold wind and frost in the yard are not the bestsatellites for our skin. The most delicate and delicate skin is on the lips, so the lips are the first to suffer from winter cold. To avoid the problems that winter brings to lips, it is important to observe several rules for caring for them.

Daily massage

Daily lip massage will be excellentprevention of wrinkles and insufficient blood supply to this part of the face. Lip massage is performed with a usual toothbrush or mochalochka. Circular movements should gently massage your lips and lightly pat the brush on the lips. After that, around the mouth should be applied cream and, starting from the middle, make the thumbs of both hands depressing the movements of the upper and lower lips. After completing this exercise on the lips you need to apply a greasy cream.

Gymnastics for the shape of the lips

Gymnastics, helping to keep a beautiful shapelips, useful not only in winter. If at least once a week to perform a few very simple exercises, then the lips for a long time will please with their tenderness and beautiful curves. As exercises, stretching of lips and their retraction, inflation of cheeks, clear pronouncing of vowels, whistling will do. All movements should be performed at least 5-10 times.

Moisturizing lips

To save lips from weathering and appearancepremature wrinkles, you need to regularly use special moisturizers: balms and creams. Always pay attention to the individual sensitivity of the skin when choosing a moisturizer, as well as decorative cosmetics.

Evening care for the lips

As at any other time of the year, in winter, the lipsneed rest. Do not forget to remove lipstick from your lips before bed. To remove makeup from the lips is best to use a special tool, especially if the lipstick is resistant. After removing lipstick from the lips you need to moisten them with a suitable balm. You can grease your lips every three days with vegetable oil (peeled) or make lotions from chamomile broth. These procedures can be alternated.


Well-chosen lipstick - an ally in the fight againstin winter for beautiful and healthy lips. Quality lipstick already contains moisturizing and protective components. Virtually any manufacturer has a special "winter" series of lipsticks, designed to care for the lips in the cold season.
Any, even the most expensive, lipstick will not be goodlook on your lips if it is applied incorrectly. Before applying lipstick on the lips should always apply a protective cream. This will prevent the rolling of lipstick. After you need to gently make up your lips, get them wet with a napkin and, after a little powder, once again lightly apply finishing strokes.

Contour lip liner

The secret of the lip liner is that withit can be very easy and convenient to visually adjust the shape and volume of the lips, make the lip line clear. Before you delineate the lip contour with a special pencil or eyeliner, you should apply a foundation cream to the lips. Outline the lip contour from the middle to the corners of the mouth.

Lip gloss

Wet lip gloss looks so tempting! Lip gloss - an excellent tool for both light daytime and for a smart evening make-up. After all, you can apply gloss on your own, and on top of the lipstick. The quality lip gloss does not spread and contains components that care for the lips. With a good shine, lips can not be afraid of winter winds and frosts.

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