Jonathan Safran Foer - Terribly loud and prohibitively close
After the publication of the sensational novel "Full Illumination" readers, critics and colleagues on the shop laid on a young American writer Jonathan Safran Foer big hopes. And, judging by everything, his second novel is "Terribly loud and beyond limit"- he justified their hopes.

If the "Full Illumination" is more devoted to the events of the past, then in the novel "Terribly loud and extremely close" Foer concentrates on the present: the events 11 September 2001 still too fresh in human memory to be considered past.

The protagonist of the novel is a nine-year-old boy named Oscar Schell, smart beyond the years. His father died during the September 11 terrorist attack. Oscar is still too small to understand or accept the death of his father, so he tries to unravel the bemused riddle of the father and find his footprints. And Oscar follows the reader.

As in Foire's first novel, in the book "Terribleloud and prohibitively close "are intertwined comic and tragic, funny and sad things. Despite the fact that Oscar - a lively and mischievous child, he in his ninth year has learned such pain, which is not known to every adult. This leaves its imprint on the narrative.

This is a novel about losses and finds - becauseIt is impossible to lose everything all the time, sooner or later any emptiness should be filled. This is a novel about pain and joy - because pain can not be eternal, it must necessarily be replaced by joy. This is a love affair - because no matter how hard it is for us, there is always room for love in our lives.

The book is certainly sad, but sad it islight: Foer does not leave the reader in a dead end of hopelessness. In addition to sadness and sadness, there is tenderness and hope in this book. Experiencing with Oskar his grief, the grief of a man whose world turned upside down, it's hard to keep from crying. But together with Oscar we learn to cope with grief and live on.

And "terribly loud and extremely close" - this mystery novel, where the text is accompanied by illustrations andphotos that make up one with him. Therefore, it is better to read this book not in electronic, but in paper form - without photos, it loses some of its essence.

Slender plot, beautiful language, deeppsychology - this Jonathan Safran Foer novel is certainly worth reading. Or rather, do not read, and live with Oscar from beginning to end.

Quotations from the book

"I read in National Geographic about how when an animal thinks that it can die, it strains and rages. But when it knows that it will perish, it becomes quite calm "

"Without you I did not have to be strong, and I became weak"

"She died in my arms, repeating: "I do not want to die." That's what death is. It does not matter what form the soldiers are wearing. It does not matter whether they have modern weapons. I thought, if everyone saw what I saw, we would never fight again "

"Instead of singing in the shower, I wrote the words of my favorite songs in a notebook. From the ink the water became blue or black. or green. or red. Music flowed down my legs "

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