When the school autumn vacation: the recommended dates of autumn school holidays in the 2015-2016 school year
Holidays! They are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by parents. After all, vacations are a time of rest from difficult academic days. That is why the school holidays schedule is useful to know both schoolchildren and teachers, and moms and dads, in order to plan a vacation in time and spend it with their children, in advance drawing up a plan for joint entertainment.
How to determine the dates of school holidays
Since 2013 By Order No. 1015 in Russia, unified standards concerning the timing and duration of school holidays were abolished. Only the basic federal standards remain, which are annually adopted and officially promulgated by the Government and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
After the publication of the recommended timetablevacation administration of each school can independently determine the dates of the holidays. Usually such a decision is made at the school's pedagogical council at the beginning of the academic year, and it is formalized by an order that must be placed on the website or on the bulletin board. But, determining the dates of school holidays, teachers should take into account several important aspects:
system of organization of the educational process (quarter or semester)
age of schoolchildren (for first-graders recommend to plan additional holidays)
recommendations of local education authorities andregional administrations taking into account specific climatic conditions, the date of public holidays, the timing of elections, in order to avoid "gaps" and "overlaps" in the educational process
Calendar of autumn vacations in 2015
Autumn rest is the first opportunity in the new school year to put aside textbooks and enjoy the cool autumn coolness and the colorful splendor of autumn nature.
How is the calendar of schoolvacation? Most often, the beginning of any school holidays coincides with the beginning of the week. In this regard, the start of the autumn holidays, duration of 7-10 days, is recommended to plan for the last Monday in October.
Therefore, according to the schedule, their inception in 2015it is recommended to plan on Saturday October 31, and return to the classrooms - on Monday, November 9. Thus, the duration of the autumn holidays will be 9 merry days. And fun not only because both the children and their parents will be freed from the debilitating school days, but also because the beginning of the autumn holidays coincides with the celebration of Halloween. Also autumn holidays coincide with the state holiday - the Day of National Unity, which since 2005 is celebrated annually on November 4. And this means that parents will have an extra weekend to devote to their communication with the children: go to the park to prepare the preparations for the autumn crafts, visit the exhibitions in order to broaden the horizons of their offspring, watch the family film together or go on a short planned trip for new impressions.