Bourjois Fond de Teint Pinceau

Foundation Bourjois Fond de Teint Pinceau - a combination of a delicate ultra-thin texture and a professional brush guarantees an ideal and natural complexion!

An unusual combination of the most gentle professional brush and light fluid texture creates an incredibly even complexion and a delightful shine of the skin.

Thanks to a soft and gentle brush, you canapply the cream on the face also professionally, as does the make-up artist. The size of the brush, its shape and pile are specially designed for the ideal application of cream to any area of ​​the skin (corners of the eyes, wings of the nose, forehead or cheekbones).

Just one click is necessary for an ideal result! When you press the button on the brush, exactly as much as a tonal cream gets as much as necessary for the application.

Specifically designed for brush applicationthe texture of the cream is elastic, soft and gentle. It seems to melt on the skin when applied. The formula is saturated with silicone and light-reflecting particles and advantageously emphasizes the skin tone, masking all the shortcomings.

Excellent complexion, without wrinkles, imperfections and mask effect!

Bourjois Fond de Teint Pinceau

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