Estee Lauder Sumptuous Waterproof waterproof mascara with the effect of volume and bending

Waterproof mascara Estee Lauder Sumptuous Waterproof gives eyelashes a noticeable weightless volume and a magnificent bend.
Makes eyelashes more dense and fluffy, highlights and emphasizes each cilium, while not gluing or overloading them.
Give the eyelashes the opportunity to be what they were never - luxurious, voluminous, beautiful.
Sumptuous Mascara Waterproof Formula:
Does not contain perfume.
Checked by an ophthalmologist.
Safe for sensitive eyes and contact lenses.
Effect: Perfect eye makeup in any weather. Luxurious weightless volume
6 ml

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Give the eyelashes the opportunity to be what they were never - luxurious, voluminous, beautiful.
Sumptuous Mascara Waterproof Formula:
- Keep your eye makeup in bad weather - on a rainy day, in a snowfall and in a strong gusty wind
- It is irreplaceable with water procedures, and will be very useful during a holiday in a seaside resort
- Resistant to tears
Does not contain perfume.
Checked by an ophthalmologist.
Safe for sensitive eyes and contact lenses.
Effect: Perfect eye makeup in any weather. Luxurious weightless volume
6 ml

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