A gift for Mother's Day with their own hands, ideas and master classes with a photo. A gift for Mother's Day with own hands for kindergarten and primary school
Congratulate your beloved mother with Mother's Dayin different ways: flowers, a memorable card, poems, sweets. But none of these presents on the strength of the positive emotions caused can not be compared with a gift made with your own hands. This may even be the simplest bauble, but the fact that it was made by a beloved child automatically elevates it to the rank of priceless gifts. As a rule, a gift for Mother's Day with its own hands is very symbolic in nature, but you can do a pretty practical thing. In our today's article you will find many good gifts ideas for Mother's Day with a photo, as well as step-by-step master-classes of handmade presents. The latter are ideal for creative studies in kindergarten and primary school. They use very accessible materials, for example, napkins and colored paper, and the technique of execution is quite easy to carry out even with the smallest.
What a gift to make on your Mother's Day with your own hands: ideas with photos
Let's start by discussing which giftYou can make your hands on Mother's Day (ideas with the photo below). The simplest options that come to mind first are postcards. It is very simple to make them out of ordinary cardboard and decorate with improvised materials: seeds, macaroni, rhinestones, seashells, etc. A very beautiful and touching one can get a card with the imprints of children's pens and legs. Among the simple gifts that you can make for yourself on Mother's Day, you can also note:
cup, painted with colored nail varnishes
bead jewelery
stand under a hot kettle of pebbles
a handle of a handle or a leg of salted dough
photo frame decorated with natural materials
vase with a living flower, grown with own hand
magnets with family photos
In principle, a handmade gift for a mother's holidayshould be chosen based on the talents of the child. For example, if a girl sews well, then it is not difficult to make an apron for the kitchen from an old shirt. A boy with artistic abilities can always paint a beautiful picture. Next, you will find several step-by-step master classes of interesting gifts in the style of handmade for moms.
Practical gift with your own hands for Mother's Day for kindergarten
Our first master-class practical gift toMother's Day with their own hands, which is suitable even for pupils of a kindergarten. It is based on an ordinary clay pot for flowers, which, if desired, can be replaced with a plastic one. If you want to make this gift with your own hands on Mother's Day for kindergarten even more practical, then you can immediately plant a living flower in it. By the way, such an option for young children will be even more interesting.
Necessary materials for a gift with your own hands to Mother's Day for a kindergarten
flower pot
Finger paint
disposable plate
Instructions on how to make a practical gift to your mother in your kindergarten
As you already guessed, we take a flower potmonophonic in order to decorate it with his own hand. And in the literal sense - to draw with their own hands, or rather, fingers. To do this, pour out the necessary amount of paint on a plate or palette and dip the palm into it.
Carefully, holding the pot with the second hand, we transfer the pattern to the surface. Such prints can be made several and all in different colors.
If you want, you can add a picture and drawings. For example, using a brush and the same finger paints, you can draw a few flowers.
The rim of the pot is also colored in a bright color with a brush and paints.
Let the drawings dry completely and only thenapply a layer of fixing a clear varnish. This step is best entrusted to an adult, for example, a tutor. We wait for complete drying and you can give a practical gift to mom!
The idea of a gift for Mother's Day with their own hands for primary school
All mothers love jewelry and give for the daymother original jewelry - a great idea for a gift with your own hands in primary school. Moreover, for example, to make a bright bracelet, which is sure to please your mother, you can even from ordinary colored paper or slicing from old magazines. It is this idea of a gift for Mother's Day that was taken for the next master class in primary school.
Required materials for a gift for Mother's Day in an elementary school
Color paper or bright sheets from magazines
dense thread, elastic or a ready-made base for a bracelet
Instructions for a gift for Mother's Day in primary school
The first thing we do is cutting from colored paper. Especially you do not need to try, the main thing is that the pieces are approximately the same in length and width.
We take a tube and one paper strip,smeared with glue along the entire length. Gently reel it on the tube pretty tightly. At the same time, the first few centimeters of the billets are not glued with glue, so that the "bead" can be easily removed from the tube.
We wind up to the end and remove the workpiece. Repeat all the same with other pieces of paper. The wider the bracelet, the more such blanks need to be made.
We give "beads" to dry and string them on a tight string or gum. Fix the edges and bracelet - ready!
Gift from napkins for Mother's Day, master class with photo
A good gift for Mother's Day with my own handscan be made from ordinary napkins, as in our next master class with a photo. And it will be quite a practical gift - a sweet vase for flowers or trinkets. If we talk about the complexity of the performance, the elementary school students will master this technique without difficulty, but in the kindergarten the kids can not do without the help of a tutor. How to make an original vase-a gift from napkins for Mother's Day find out more.
Necessary materials for a presentation on Mother's Day from napkins
Multicolored wipes
plastic box
Instructions for a gift to mom from napkins with her own hands
Napkins are better to take a multi-colored, then a vaseto get brighter. We take the first napkin and bend from the edge of 2-3 cm. Thus we add the napkin along the entire length. The first batch of such blanks along the length should correspond to the height of the plastic packaging, taken as a basis for the vase.
Napkins of contrasting colors are added by the same principle. In length, they should wrap a completely plastic base.
Now take the short blanks and bend them along the edge of the base, gently sticking, as shown in the photo.
Then the long napkins in a circle are passed through the short blanks in a staggered order to get a kind of braid.
At the bottom of the vase we lay out plasticine and accurately distribute it on the whole surface.
We spread the inside of the vase wholenapkins, tightly pressing down to the clay to fix. Done! You can decorate such an original gift with homemade flowers or clothespins with family photos. And you can give this vase to your mother, filling it with delicious sweets.