Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer: June 2016 for the Moscow region, the middle zone of Russia, the North-West, the Urals, Siberia, Belarus, Ukraine
In June, the sun is already hot in summer, which leadsto drying up the soil and loss of moisture by plants. Therefore, horticultural gardeners are encouraged to regularly water the trees, bushes and beds. Particular attention should be given to watering fruit trees, as a lack of moisture in dry, hot weather can lead to premature fall of the fruit. As in the previous month, seedlings are planted in the open ground, and cucumbers and pepper are planted in greenhouses. The Lunar Calendar for June 2016 provides a full list of works in the garden and vegetable garden, as well as the most successful days for planting, weeding, pruning fruit and vegetable plants.
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for June 2016 for Moscow region and central Russia
for the North-West
for the Urals and Siberia
Giant's Calendar for June 2016
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for June 2016 for Moscow region and central Russia
Temperate continental climate in the middle latitudesassumes a hot summer. So the lunar calendar for this locality is made taking into account the given climatic features. So, with the advent of the first month of summer, summer gardeners can work on processing the planted seedlings with different stimulants of growth, applying fertilizers for vegetables and flowers.
2, 3 - thinning out of shoots of carrots and beets, hilling of potatoes
4 - weeding weeds in the garden, removing thickening shoots on fruit trees
5 - no landing
6, 7 - repeated crops on fresh greens of dill and salad
8 - 12 - planting of flower seedlings, composting, hilling, mulching
13 - 17 - planting on the greens, top dressing of plants
18, 19 - collection of early vegetables and greens, spraying of garden and garden against pests
20 - full moon (an unfavorable day for working with plants)
21, 22 - additional fertilizing of vegetables
23, 24 - weeding the garden
25 - 30 - watering, feeding, sprinkling with stimulants, thinning out rows of carrots, radishes, beets
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for June 2016 for the North-West
One of the main garden cares in June is theweeding. So, the owners of household plots will have to periodically bury - as a result, the soil is saturated with air, moisture is retained, and "young growth" of weeds is removed.
What to do in the garden and in the garden in June? So if the Moon is in:
Aries (4 quarters), 31.05 - 2.06 (to 05-50) - we plant garlic, onion onions, radish of summer varieties
Taurus (4 quarters), 2 - 4 (till 05-00) - potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, turnips
Gemini (new moon), 4 - 6 (to 05-40) - we do not work with plants
Cancer (1 quarter), 6 - 8 (till 09-45) - we sow sorrel, dill, lettuce, cabbage, peas, beans, cucumbers, zucchini
Lion (1 quarter), 8 - 10 (up to 16-46) - sunflower, fennel
Deva (1-2 quarters), 10 - 13 (up to 03-32) - salad, dill, cumin, flowers
Weights (2 quarter), 13 - 15 (up to 16-18) - we sow in the open ground cauliflower, peas, corn, beans
Scorpio (2 quarter), 15 - 18 (until 04-30) - seeding of beans, peas, dill, lettuce, cucumbers, basil, asparagus
Sagittarius (full moon), 18 - 20 (up to 14-57) - landing is not carried out
Capricorn (3 quarter), 20 - 22 (to 23-12) - we plant potatoes, onions on the pen
Aquarius (3 quarters), 22 - 25 (to 05-31) - weeding, watering, top dressing
Pisces (3-4 quarters), 25-29 (till 13-03) - we sow beets, carrots, cucumbers, peas, beans, sorrel, lettuce
Taurus (4 quarters), 29 - 01.07 (up to 14-43) - we sow salad, radish
Lunar Calendar for June 2016 for the Urals and Siberia
For the inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia, a lunar calendar is also compiled, which contains astronomical calculations corresponding to the time of these regions.
In June 2016 it is recommended to plant:
watermelon, melon, zucchini, pumpkin - 6 - 8, 16, 17
beans, corn - 6, 11, 12
salad, dill, basil, parsley - 6 - 8, 13 - 18
rhubarb, sorrel, asparagus - 2, 3, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30
strawberries, strawberries - 6, 13 - 15
cabbage, cucumber, tomato, pepper - 6 - 8, 13 - 18
potatoes, radish, radish, celery - 2, 3, 21, 22, 25 - 27, 29, 30
onion (seeds), carrots, beets, turnips - 2, 3, 25 - 27
But 4, 5, 20, 23 and 24 garden work with plants is not recommended.
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for June 2016 for Belarus and Ukraine
The lands of Belarus and Ukraine are famous for theirfertility, but we should not deny the fact that the moon has influenced the quality and quantity of earth harvests. The lunar calendar details the favorable and unfavorable days for planting and sowing vegetables.
2, 3, 21, 22, 29, 30 - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots and beets (except 29), radish, radish
2, 3, 16 - 22, 30 - onions
2, 3, 13 - 17, 21, 22, 30 - parsley, celery
16 - 22 - garlic
6, 7, 13 - 17 - cabbage, lettuce, eggplant, melon, pumpkin, zucchini
6, 7, 16 - 19 - cucumbers, spinach, beans
6, 7, 13 - 19 - tomatoes, peppers, corn, sunflower
6, 7, 11 - 19 - greens
Planting and sowing of vegetable crops is better not to be carried out on June 4, 5, 23 and 24.
The Lunar Calendar for June 2016 is a great aid for every trucker. Stick to the advice of the calendar and the land will always delight you with abundant harvests.