The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

A high-quality and abundant annual harvest -feasible desire of any garden gardener. To realize the grandiose results, it is sufficient to follow the advice and recommendations of the ancestors left to us in a clear and timely manner. The lunar calendar of the truck farmer for October 2015 is a kind of talisman, changing from year to year, from season to season. To know about such tables and not to use them is the greatest folly. After all, with the help of the seed calendar it is much easier to turn an ordinary garden and vegetable garden into a fertile paradise, to envy any neighbors.

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

Dozens of scientists have been watching for many yearsinfluences of the moon, as a result of which they proved: the moon is capable of both improving and harming man and plant. Therefore, a correctly compiled lunar seeding calendar must necessarily contain information on favorable and unfavorable days for sowing, planting and harvesting various agricultural crops.

Calendar gardener-gardener in October 2015 is notless significant than previous issues. It would seem that the middle of autumn is the last warm days interspersed with frosty nights, which do not have any land works at all. In fact, even in this period, the work of the workers is not a big deal. It is necessary to make bulb bulbs, dig out dahlias and gladioli, plant some bushes and trees, remove infertile dry branches, cut off the remnants of lettuce, arrange the wintering of onions, remove the tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, dig all the empty beds for winter ...

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

But it's so easy to get confused and get confused inan endless stream of planned cases. But here to help gardeners and truck farmers will come the lunar calendar, describing what and how best to do in certain periods for different regions.

Sowing calendar for those living in the Urals and Siberia

Looking a couple of times in the lunar calendar, youyou will certainly notice how the activity will become orderly, the harvest is higher at once, and the nervous system and physical state are much stronger. Having found old books on gardening, one can stumble upon simple old truths:

  • sowing on a young moon promises a rich harvest;

  • large potato tubers will be planted at the sunset of the moon;

  • Collect fruits better on the waning moon, longer persist;

  • so that the weeds do not annoy, the land should be plowed on the last quarter.

It was such old-good advice at one time served as the basis for creating the first calendars.

Today's calendars of gardeners-gardeners look much more informative and informative. Thus, taking into account the lunar phases and climatic conditions of the territory of the Urals and Siberia, the following recommendations were made:

  • addition of organic additives - 13-15, 18-20, 22-24

  • addition of mineral additives - 3-8, 24-26

  • hilling, loosening, etc. - 13-25

  • composting - 20-26

  • trimming - 15-14

  • prevention of diseases and pests - 13-18

  • Inoculation - 13-16

  • landing and transplantation - any day except for the new moon and full moon

  • weeding - 13-18

  • collection of seeds - 15-18, 19-26

Following the astronomical regulations, the site owner will never have problems with diseases, weeds, low yields and other unpleasant moments.

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

Sowing calendar for Moscow region and central Russia

The period from August to October is also difficult forgardeners, gardeners near Moscow and the middle belt. At this time, a lot of important and necessary things have to be done: preserving berries and fruits, drying and the work of harvesting, picking up roots, prischipka many plants, grafting trees, cleaning and digging the site, cleaning up the litter and burning it, etc. After all, with a competent approach, the earth is able not only to reward valuable fruits, but also to ennoble the soul and body.

  • According to the lunar sowing calendar, every day of October requires certain actions from the owners:

  • 1-4 October (Gemini) - harvesting for storage, preparing beds for new plantings.

  • October 5-6 (Cancer) - planting of dogrose and apple trees, cleaning the remains in compost.

  • October 7-8 (Leo) - cleaning of greenhouses, their disinfection. Whitewashing growing trees, planting new decorative.

  • October 9-11 (Virgo) - hilling and mulching, spraying trees against pests and diseases.

  • October 12-14 (Libra) - unfavorable days for plants. Garbage collection.

  • October 15-16 (Scorpio) - planting greens in containers for winter distillation.

  • October 17-18 (Sagittarius) - the days of the fruit.

  • October 19-21 (Capricorn) - sowing seeds of perennials that require stratification.

  • October 22-23 (Aquarius) - loosening of soil in containers.

  • October 24-25 (Pisces) - garbage collection, preparation of soil for future crops.

  • October 26-27 (Aries) - landing of garlic.

  • October 28-29 (Taurus) - do not touch seeds. You can plant tulips and small-bellied.

  • October 30-31 (Gemini) - loosening of soil in containers, sheltering plants in orchards.

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

Lunar calendar of the gardener for the North-West

As practice shows, none of thenumerous secrets of planting and growing crops has not yielded such striking results as the use of the lunar seeding calendar. Residents of the North-West region also would not be hindered to address him. After all, a unique experience should not be wasted: the ability of people to recognize the lunar phases and their influence on plants, makes an invaluable contribution to the hard work of the scrapers.

  • The lunar calendar of gardeners-gardeners for October 2015 recommends the following actions:

  • 1-4 October - digging and loosening beds, harvesting for storage.

  • 5-6 - cleaning of the leftovers from the plot, canning of fruits.

  • 7-8 - autumn soil cultivation, planting of fruit trees.

  • 9-11 - hilling and mulching of growing plants, spraying from pests and diseases.

  • 12-14 - unfavorable days.

  • 15-16 - unfavorable days.

  • 17-18 - collection of seeds for the next season.

  • 19-21 - podzimniy sowing greens and spicy herbs.

  • 22-23 - cleaning the garden from dry grass.

  • 24-25 - pzvimniy sowing spicy aromatic herbs.

  • 26-27 - Care for the Crops. Do not touch the seeds.

  • 28-29 - unfavorable days. Planting bulbous species.

  • 30-31 - warming of rhododendrons, roses and hydrangeas.

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

Calendar for Ukraine and Belarus

Regardless of the quality of goods sold atBelarusian counters, home-grown vegetables, fruits and berries will always outnumber store shops. It is not necessary to have a special education in order to understand simple things. Thanks to all the enclosed works, the fruits from the private garden and kitchen garden are not only tasty and useful, but also harmless. In addition, the work can be made easier by looking at the right time in the seed calendar. Table of dislocations for the territory of Belarusi is as follows:

  • beans - 14-16, 23

  • mustard - 14-20, 23-26

  • coriander - 14-16, 20, 23

  • salad - 24-26

  • cauline leaves - 19, 20, 23-24

  • tuberous - 1, 4-6, 12

  • carrots - 11-12, 31

  • parsley on the root - 1-6, 29-31

  • tomatoes, fizalis - 14-18, 23-26

  • radish - 11, 12, 28

  • leaf salad - 14-16, 20, 23-26

  • asparagus - 14, 16, 23

  • pumpkin - 14-16

  • dill - 16, 19-20

  • horseradish - 4-6, 31

  • garlic - 14, 18, 25

  • spinach - 19, 23-26

In contrast to Belarus, the calendar for October forUkrainian gardeners are somewhat smaller. The reason for this is the position of the moon and the climatic conditions that leave only a small list of plants in the middle of autumn. But no weather conditions and temperature ranges will not be able to free the site owner from daily important matters.

  • organic fertilizer - 13-15, 22-24

  • mineral fertilizer - 3-8, 24-26

  • loosening, cultivation, hilling - 13-25

  • trimming - 15-24

  • pest control - 11-14, 16-19

  • watering - 13-16

  • weeding, thinning - 13-18

  • harvesting of seeds - 15-18, 20-24

  • planting of popular agricultural crops in this period is no longer produced

The lunar calendar of the horticulturist-gardener in October 2015

The lunar sowing calendar has the right to occupya worthy place in the library of each of us. After all, this reliable irreplaceable assistant, able to help and prompt any significant date: the beginning of preparation, planting seedlings, laying seeds, pruning shrubs, grafting, processing and other things.

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Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2015. Calendar gardener for the Moscow region, the Northwest, the Urals, Belarus, Ukraine
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Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, October 2015 for the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia, the Northwest, Belorussia, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, October 2015 for the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia, the Northwest, Belorussia, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, September 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Belorussia, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, September 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Belorussia, Ukraine
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Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2016 for the suburbs, the middle belt of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Northwest, Belarus and Ukraine. Work on the lunar calendar
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for September 2016 for Moscow region, Ural, Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for September 2016 for Moscow region, Ural, Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus
Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2015. Calendar gardener for the Moscow region, the Northwest, the Urals, Belarus, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2015. Calendar gardener for the Moscow region, the Northwest, the Urals, Belarus, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for July 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Ukraine, Russia
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for July 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Ukraine, Russia
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, September 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Belorussia, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer, September 2015 for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region, North-West, Belorussia, Ukraine
The lunar calendar for the truck farmer: May 2016 for the Moscow region, the middle zone of Russia, the Northwest, the Urals, Siberia, Belarus, Ukraine
The lunar calendar for the truck farmer: May 2016 for the Moscow region, the middle zone of Russia, the Northwest, the Urals, Siberia, Belarus, Ukraine
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for July 2016 for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for July 2016 for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2016 for the suburbs, the middle belt of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Northwest, Belarus and Ukraine. Work on the lunar calendar
Lunar Calendar truck farmer for August 2016 for the suburbs, the middle belt of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Northwest, Belarus and Ukraine. Work on the lunar calendar
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for September 2016 for Moscow region, Ural, Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus
Lunar Calendar of the truck farmer for September 2016 for Moscow region, Ural, Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus
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