Euharis: home care, beautiful photos
Eucharis - bulbous plant of the familyamaryllis. He has beautiful, large, shiny leaves and elegant white flowers that emit a wonderful fragrance. Flowering plant twice a year. It comes from the humid tropics of South America. In room conditions, most often bred large-flowered eucharis.
Houseplant Eucharis
This beautiful plant in the people is still calledAmazonian lily. By right can be considered a room, has all the necessary qualities. Absolutely not whimsical in care, has beautiful leaves, moreover, that is a blooming (twice a year) plant with a magnificent aroma.
Home care
This plant is thermophilic, in summer it coststhe limits of +20 - 25 ° C, in winter +13 - 15 ° C are maintained. To stimulate flowering in the winter, an increase to +18 - 20 ° C will be required. Sharp temperature changes are undesirable.
Photophilous, well feels on the western, eastern windows. He loves bright diffused light. Can grow in the south, but not in a sunny place. Artificial lighting is also suitable.
Humidity is sufficient to maintain on averagelevel. It is enough to put flowerpots in pallets filled with moist gravel. To water should be moderately, soft water, not allowing excessive moisturizing and overdrying. This recommendation concerns only the period of active growth. After flowering, he needs rest for 1-1.5 months. At this time, watering completely stops.
Why does not the eucharis blossom?
To ensure the flowering of this plant, it is necessary to follow a certain watering scheme: by the autumn, watering is gradually reduced, in the winter it is watered in 10 days once, and in early spring there is a period of rest.
The soil for the flower must be very fertile andloose. For example, a mixture of turf, compost, leaf land, coarse sand. Good drainage is mandatory. Fertilize the plant with liquid fertilizers containing a lot of K. Do this in a period of growth, every three weeks.
Transplantation and multiplication of eucharis
A large bulb of this indoor flowertransplanted every 2 or 3 years in early spring. In narrow vases, eucharis blossoms much better. Therefore, in each need to plant 5-9 bulbs. They are buried and gently squashed. In this case, the top of the bulb should be on the surface of the earth. It is enough to replace only the top layer of the soil every year.
Many growers successfully grow this plant in summer in the open ground. The bulbs are planted in April to a depth of 25-30 cm. When the flowering of the plant is completed, it is excavated.
Propagated by children bulbs. In the spring they are separated neatly, without damaging the roots. Separately prepare a lightweight soil mixture. The bulb is planted in it. Soil must be maintained in a constantly moistened state.
Diseases and pests
The plant is quite persistent and hardy. Very rarely exposed to pests. The most common are scutes and thrips. Fighting is effective with the use of insecticides.