How to transplant a cactusSpiny cacti are very popular among loverscolors. The shapes, sizes and even colors of cacti amaze with their variety. But no matter how much your cactus grows on the windowsill, sooner or later it will need a new pot. The country of the Soviets will tell you, how to transplant a cactus.

Very often when transplanting cacti, flower lovers make mistakes, which lead to the death of the whole plant. The fact is that the rules of hardwood transplantationplants can not be used for cacti, otherwise your "thorn" will have root damage, stress and illness. And that after planting the plant went into active growth, you need to know how to properly transplant cacti.

Start with selection of new pots and soil for cacti. Now in the forging shops are soldspecial mixtures for cacti. You can use the purchased soil or make your own. If you decide to make a mixture yourself, then take a good leafy earth, wash the river sand, collect claydite, chop the eggshell. The main thing is that the land in which the cactus grows should be good and clean. Any impurities and harmful impurities are undesirable for cacti, since in such a land they will grow very poorly.

Now we need to think about new pots for cacti. Pot for cactus is selected, not based on the size of the aboveground part, but the roots. Even a large cactus can havean underdeveloped root system, so a small pot is needed for it. Do not take too large a pot, so to say "to grow." In too large tanks, cacti grow slowly. And in order not to be mistaken with the size of the cactus pot, it is often necessary to prepare several containers in advance.

So, when you already have soil and pots,it's time to transplant the cactus. You can transplant cacti at any time of the year. Even during flowering or bud formation, cacti normally tolerate a transplant, but in this case it is better to use the method of transshipment. Now let's talk in more detail about how to transplant a cactus at this or that time of the year.

The transplantation of cacti during the vegetation period is good because plants begin to grow rapidly. To transplant a cactus, do not water the plant for several days. The earth in the pot must dry completely,so that you can easily extract the plant. It is difficult to extract the cactus from the pot because of thorns. In order not to harm either yourself or the cactus, do not wrap the plant with a towel or a rag. It is better to use two pieces of foam or a layer of newsprint folded in several layers. Embrace the cactus with paper and turn the pot over. Knock on the wall of the pot. The cactus can be easily removed with the ground. Do not pull the cactus, so as not to damage its tender roots. For the same reason, you can not poke the ground around the cactus with a sharp object. It is better to remove the upper caked layer of the earth, then the cactus can be easily extracted.

Now you need to free the roots of the cactus from the ground. If the earth was bad, then around the roots can form a solid stone. It is impossible to break this stone by hands or tear it from its roots. Place the roots of the cactus in a container of water andGive the clod of earth to soak completely, then it will easily be removed. When the roots are released, they must be examined for diseases and damage by parasites. During the vegetative period, the suction hairs should be clearly visible on the roots. The rest of the time the roots will be smooth and have a yellowish tinge. Any stains on the roots are evidence of a disease or parasites. With a sharp disinfected knife, cut the damaged roots to the healthy part.

Heat the water in a large saucepan to a temperature of 50-60 ° C. In this water it is necessary to hold the roots of the cactus for an hour. For your convenience, cut into a piece of cardboarda hole in which the roots will pass, but the cactus itself will remain on top. Put the cardboard on the pan and leave the roots of the cactus completely submerged in water. By the way, this same hot bath will be useful to those plants, which for some reason do not want to grow.

After a hot bath, the cactus roots should be dried for several days. And then the cactus prepared for transplantationput in a new pot. At the bottom of the pot, put a drain, then pour a little ground. Take the cactus in one hand and place it in the center of the pot. See that the roots of the plant are freely placed in the pot. The root tips should be pointed downwards or sideways, but not upwards. With the second hand, pour the earth around the cactus. Remember that the neck of the cactus can not be deepened, it should be on a level with the ground.

When the cactus is covered with earth, tap lightly on the pot with your hand. The earth around the roots will condense, add a little more soil. From above you can put a layer of pebbles, which hide the unsightly part of the cactus. After the first watering, the ground in the pot will settle, so you can add a little soil again. By the way, after transplanting the cactus can not be watered for a week.

Now tell you how to transplant the cactus in the winter. During the rest period, room cacti are transplanted in the same way as described above. Only no hot baths can not be done. Roots are cleaned and cut only dry. To avoid the spread of infection, slice the roots with ashes. Then you can transplant the cactus into a new pot.

So, now you know how to transplant a cactus. Follow the simple rules and your cacti after the transplant will please you with active growth.

How to transplant a cactus
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