Carpet embroideryCarpet embroidery (embroidery of carpets, tapestry embroidery) - an interesting kind of embroidery, referring to the type of countable embroidery. The country of the Soviets will tell about the basics of embroidery of carpets.

Why is carpet embroidery called counting? The fact is that she runs on the thread account. In this case, the entire area of ​​the embroidered matterrefuses busy with stitches. The way of doing tapestry embroidery is similar to embroidery cross. Both these types of embroidery are performed on the canvas, and the cross is one of the main seams of carpet embroidery. But at the same carpet embroidery is very diverse.

As already mentioned, carpet embroidery is performed on the canvas. there is two basic varieties of canvas: simple and double. In the double canvas, the threads are arranged in pairs: two horizontal and two vertical. For carpet embroidery, both types of canvas are suitable. But the best for carpet embroidery comes directly to the canvas - sturdy and thick. The threads of the canvas are softer than the threads of the canvas, and they are much easier to separate with a needle.

Do you need embroidery hoops for carpet embroidery? Needed, but not required - if you prefer, youcan embroider directly on the hands. However, note that too much embroidery can be warped during work. To prevent this from happening, twist one end of the material with a roll and attach to it in several places loads of equal gravity.

Carpet embroidery is carried out special canvas needles: they have a big eye and a blunt end. The thickness of the needle is selected in accordance with the thickness of the thread. For carpet embroidery, you can use a variety of threads: woolen, silk, paper. The main criterion for selecting threads - this is a sufficient thickness: the thread must fill the embroidery background smoothly. The main rule of any carpet seam: threads should be stretched evenly.

Carpet embroidery: main seams

Let's get acquainted with the main seams of carpet embroidery. Let's start with all of us familiar simple suture - this is the basis for all other carpet seams. First, we make stitches for the first half of the cross (they should be uniformly applied from left to right). Stitches for the second half of the cross are applied in exactly the same way, but from right to left, evenly covering the stitches of the second half.

To perform elongated seam by a cross, we pass the working thread diagonally across twohorizontal threads of simple canvas and one vertical (another option - four horizontal and two vertical). Each row is executed in this order: we work the thread from right to left in the direction of the seam), cover it with the first row of stitches from left to right, then on top of it we put the second row of stitches from right to left.

Suture with a cross Extended suture with a cross

For execution seam The working thread must be thinner than the canvas. First, we run the work thread in the right direction from right to left, without making any stitches, and then make a semi-cross on top of it, from left to right.

For execution straight gobelin seam grab two horizontal threads of the canvas with a needle.

Seam incision Straight gobelin seam

If there is a straight tapestry seam, there must be a oblique gobelin seam, true? It can be done in two ways. To perform this seam first way, we make an oblique stitch through two vertical threads of the canvas, and in height we overlay it through one horizontal thread of the canvas between the two others, without overlapping them. The second way - Pull the stitches obliquely through one horizontal thread of the canvas and one vertical, covering it.

These two seams are good for imitating the ancientcarpet embroidery. If you embroider on a frame, when embroidering a thread stretches from the wrong side to the front. If you are embroidering on your hands, end each row, turn over the work and pull the needle behind the last stitch.

Long oblique goss-stone seam is performed in the same way as an ordinary oblique gobelin seam (first method), but through three vertical strands instead of two.

Oblique tapestry seam (1 way) Oblique tapestry seam (2 way) Long oblique goss-stone seam

But carpet embroidery is not limited to only these kinds of stitches. We will tell you about several more carpet seams in our next material.

Carpet embroidery
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