Glass painting
Since its invention glass became one of the most popular materials used by man in all spheres of his life. His elegant transparency and fragility were always appreciated very highly.

Tradition decorate with glass in our days is reborn. Due to the huge variety of modern colors, glass painting is available to everyone. Decorate the painting can be decidedly everything: from simple glass frames to glassware of the most complicated shapes, from glasses and plates to mirrors and glass doors.

Painted glass is not only a stylish decor, because the painted items are completely preservedits functionality. However, when painting dishes intended for eating food, it must be remembered that the pattern should be applied from the outside of the product so that the colors do not come into contact with food.

In general, glass is usually used for painting stained-glass paintsfor this purpose, and acrylic paints. The colors can be as opaque or transparent, in addition, there are special dyes with sparkles - glitters.

Starting to paint the glass, its surface must be cleaned ofdust and dirt, as well as degrease alcohol-containing solution. The outlines of the conceived drawing are applied to the glass by a special contour or by the usual marker, which is signed by CD-disks. Then a special paint-outliner is applied a relief contour, which will prevent the ink from spreading.

By drying the contour, you can proceeddirectly to the painting of the product with paints. If necessary, the paints can be diluted with special solvents. It is recommended to use a separate brush for each color, so that colors do not accidentally mix with each other.

The finished product should be covered with a special special varnish, which protects the paint from wiping. In addition, painted items can be decorated with various beads, crystals, beads, colored sand - the effect is stunning!

And now - Some useful tips from experienced glass masters:

  • It is always worthwhile to create a color sketch of the future composition on paper beforehand - this is a great way to evaluate how harmoniously the chosen color solution is.

  • To avoid spreading the paint, the painted side of the object should be kept horizontally until the paint dries.

  • It is necessary to check the transparency of the drawing as much as possible, so as not to "overdo" it with its density.

  • For convenience, to dilute and mix paints for painting follows on a glass palette, under which is laid a sheet of white paper - this will help to more accurately determine the color.

  • Accidental flaws in the figure should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solvent.

  • The air bubbles that formed in the figure should be immediately cleaned with a toothpick or the tip of the tissue. Otherwise, in place of the bubble after drying the paint will remain a "hole".

  • Cover the drawing with varnish only after the paints have dried completely. Usually - about a day later, but the manufacturer's instructions may specify other dates.

The product written with observance of all requirements of technology you can safely wash in warm water, using detergents.

Glass painting
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