Cultivation of tulips in the gardenThe very first flowers in the garden are tulips. They bloom one of the very first ones only because during the winter sprouts so sprout that after the snow falls they already look out of the ground. But how to achieve high stems and good flowering of tulips? The country of the Soviets will tell you what should be the right cultivation of tulips in the garden.

Cultivation of tulips in the open ground, unlike home, does not require from you almost any effort. After all, the main thing is choosing the right place for planting bulbs, using fertilizers as needed to ensure the flowering of plants and preventive measures, so that your tulips do not become infected with the variegated virus. But let's start in order.

Tulips: planting and care

Planting tulips occurs only in autumn, when the earth's temperature will drop to 6-9 ° С. Planting bulbs should only be at this temperature, so that they have a good root system for the winter, and the sprout did not get very out of the ground.

Cultivation of tulips is impossible without good soil. For tulips, a layer of fertile soil 30 cm thick. The earth should easily pass water and not be too dense. Correct these or other shortcomings of the soil can be due to fertilization or mulching.

For good flowering of tulips, they can be fed with any organic fertilizer (except fresh manure). Such fertilizers are best applied in the spring in the same year, when you are going to plant tulip bulbs in the fall. You can also use fresh manure, but it will have to be brought in a year before the bulbs are planted.

Mineral fertilizers can be used several times. First time feed up tulips, when their sproutswill appear above the ground. For such feeding on a bucket of water, use 30 g of nitrogen, 20 g of potassium and 30 g of phosphorus fertilizers. The second top dressing should be done just before the flowering of the plants. To do this, in a bucket of water, dilute 20 g of nitrogen and potassium and 30 g of phosphorus fertilizers. Third time, feed the tulips after the end of their flowering. To do this, use only phosphorus (30 g) and potassium (20 g) fertilizer.

Cultivation of tulips in the garden is dangerous because your plants can be susceptible to various diseases. Fungal diseases can developdue to prolonged wet weather. To fight diseases, fungicides can be used. With pests such as a bear, you can fight with special baits. But from tsvetoed you can protect tulips only with the help of a special net, which you can cover plants. But you can also treat plants before they blossom with special preparations.

But the most dangerous disease that makes it difficult to grow tulips in the garden is virus of variegation, striking flowers. Cure plants from this virus is impossible, so it is much easier to prevent its spread. The virus is carried by sucking insects and nematodes, it is not always possible to protect themselves from it. Sometimes you can even buy bulbs that are infected with this virus, because of what this disease quickly spread to other plants.

What is this virus? On the flowers and leaves of plants appear characteristic white strips, although before that you could see that there were no such flowers in your garden. In a couple of years the virus will completely hitplant, its flower will become small, and the bulb will begin to be depleted. As a result, the plant will die, but before that, insects and you can infect other tulips. Again, there is no cure for this virus. All sick plants should be gently scooped up and burned.

To prevent the spread of the virus, be sure after cutting each tulip disinfect inventory. Also wash your hands after working with infected plants.

Cultivation of tulips in the garden is good because You can cut flowers or leave them to blossom on a flower bed. Cut flowers best early in the morning totulips have not yet blossomed. When cutting the color, leave 2-3 leaves on the plant so that the bulb can develop normally and grow. Faded tulips can be cut so that the bulb does not waste energy on maturing a box with seeds.

Tulips multiply bulbs, so in a few years you will notice that next to the flowers that you planted, grow new plants. To propagate tulips, they are excavated when the leaves of the plants turn yellow. Usually this happens in the middle of June - the beginningJuly. Do not wait until the leaves are completely withered, otherwise the bulb will disintegrate into the ground and there will be a chance that you will not be able to dig out all the daughter bulbs. Excavated bulbs should be dried, cleaned from the upper scales and stored in boxes at a temperature of 20 ° C. Further, the cultivation of tulips from young bulbs takes place according to the described scheme, beginning with their planting in autumn.

Now you know how to grow tulips in the garden and take care of them. And with our advice growing tulips will not be difficult for you.

Cultivation of tulips in the garden
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