Digital scrapbooking
Scrapbooking is a very popular modern hobby. However, not everyone who would like to be engaged in scrapbooking, it is possible: someone can not develop in itself the hobby necessary for this hobby, someone is not ready to spend a considerable sum on materials and accessories for scrapbooking. Perhaps, they will be interested in an alternative to traditional scrapbooking - digital scrapbooking.

The essence of traditional and digital scrapbookingone and the same - the creation of unusual photo albums, postcards and other products. But if in traditional scrapbooking you have to work with real paper, decorative elements and tools, In digital scrapbooking they are replaced by digital images and graphics editor.

Someone prefers digital scrapbookingtraditional, because it can not or does not want to mess with real materials. And for some, this type of scrapbooking becomes a sort of rehearsal platform: not everyone dares to immediately work with expensive materials, afraid to spoil them, so train the feeling of composition and color on digital models. And some are simultaneously engaged in both traditional and digital scrapbooking.

For digital scrapbooking you will need any program for working with images (graphics editor). Choose the one that you are most used to. Some people prefer to work in several programs, because in some editor it is convenient to perform some operations, in some - others.

Also for work you will need the initialmaterials. In traditional scrapbooking this paper and all sorts of decorative elements, they can be purchased at the store or ordered online. And what do you have to work for lovers of digital scrapbooking? Yes with the same materials, only in digital form. On special sites you can buy or download free kits for digital scrapbooking, consisting of paper (background) and ornaments.

Such sets are of different types. Kits - this is a complete set, including paper and decorative elements in one style. Papiers - sets in which only paper is present, and in sets Embellissements (clipart) there are only decorative elements (flowers, frames, buttons, tags, etc.). Also there are kits Alphabets, in which letters are represented (though, usually only Latin, since the main "suppliers" of ready-made sets are foreign scrapbooking fans).

There are also kits for those who are not interested inthe process of creating a page, and the result. They can be useful to those for whom it is more important now not to delve into the subtleties of digital scrapbooking, but to make someone a gift. Such sets are called Quick Pages / Pages Rapides (one page) or Mini-Albumes (sets of several "quick pages", performed in one style).

Also there are sets with page templates (Templates). The template schematically shows the location of the main elements. Such sets are useful for those who are not yet "friendly" with the composition. Based on the same template, you can make many different pages using different backgrounds and decorative elements. And in due course, when you will type a hand, from use of templates it will be possible to refuse.

Usually, individual elements are offered in the formatjpg or png, and page layouts - in png or psd (if the layers are not glued in the psd file, you can make your own based on the finished page by moving the elements). Also it will not hurt to download more interesting fonts (but here it is worth considering that if you willprint your creation outside the home, on the computer from which you will print, may not be the right fonts, so at the end of the work, make sure the fonts are turned into curves).

Digital scrapbooking, like the usual, requiresaccuracy in the storage of materials. Lay out the sets and individual items in folders so that you always know where you are. Someone distributes them in colors, someone on topics, etc. Now think about how it will be most convenient for you.

In principle, if we talk about the process of creating an album, Digital scrapbooking differs little from the traditional. Make sure that all elements are harmoniously located on the page, combined in colors, etc.

If you plan to print a finished product, you need to take into account that on the size it should be placed on a standard sheet A4, that is, be slightly smaller than it (when printing, there are fields). If you plan to make an album from printed pages, be sure to leave a field for binding.

Digital scrapbooking provides almost unlimited possibilities for creativity. If at first there are no ideas, notdespair, you can draw them anywhere: from blogs of foreign scrapbooking fans to advertising on bigboards. The main thing is to start, and eventually you will get better and better.

Digital scrapbooking
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