How to make a volumetric valentine on February 14 with your own hands, photo
For Valentine's Day, it's customary to send a friendfriend anonymous love letters and give cute touching cards. To get a valentine made by own hands is doubly pleasant - the person tried, that means, and the relation at it to you special. To impress your lover on February 14, prepare a voluminous postcard for him, and our master class and step-by-step photos will help to make it.
How to make a bulk valentine
Today we will make two variants of the card - with hearts and kisses. Materials for products will need almost the same, namely:
clerical glue
white and scarlet paper for crafts
scissors and a knife
There are scrapbooking shopsspecial plotters for figured cutting. If you are not too keen on creativity, you can do without it. When cutting figures with scissors, the contours can turn out to be not exactly even and clear, but in this imperfection there will be a highlight of the valentine made by oneself.
What else to do on my own on February 14?
We make a valentine with our own hands
Let's get started:
first, print out our stencils: one on a white sheet, the other on a red sheet. If you want to increase or decrease the size of the postcard, then move the drawing to paper, and then build the desired option with a pencil and ruler.Note that one half of the postcard is bigger than the other. Do not try to make them the same;
After the image is transferred to paper, cut it out along the contour. The following should be obtained:
now you need to properly fold the second half;"X" bend forward very carefully, trying not tocrumple and not tear. Note that the two parts of our volumetric valentine are a mirror image of each other. If you have everything the same as in the photo, then you are moving in the right direction;
we connect our details. We recommend first to practice in folding, and then glue. The part where the "HOX" is cut out will be the front. Look at the photo, as we gently "pass" one part to another:
if you like the result, then apply a little glue on the sides of the product and press it. Make sure that the sheets do not move relative to each other.
Let's go to the postcard - "hearts". The main stages of work are the same:
we cut out details by stencil;
In addition, it is necessary to make two more hearts and cut off the upper corner (one has the right corner, the other has the left one);
bend both parts along dashed lines, they must be a mirror image, and then insert one part into the other and fix the edges with glue;The work is almost complete, it remains only to make beautiful voluminous "hearts".
half a white heart bend forward. Note how to do this:
Now turn over the future card and take two additional heart figures;
Spread the half where the tip is cut off and glue it to the back of the product. Pay attention to the photo:
then, the valentine is decorated with elegant three-dimensional hearts.
We have got two elegant volumetric valentinesown hands. Design and color you can choose according to your own taste. Do not forget that the card can be decorated with romantic inscriptions. An odd job does not take too much time, but it pleases the eye.