The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

October 5, when all the teachers of Russia -teachers of primary school, universities, colleges, - accept congratulations on a professional holiday. Each of the pupils and students wants to make the best gift to their beloved teachers. In addition to traditional flowers, children give them funny cards with Teacher's Day, made in the technique of scrapbooking and pictures. Guys, experiencing difficulties in creating handicrafts with their own hands, can download free of charge from our site the drawings, images and posters on themes of school and autumn that they liked. Teachers themselves can also use our selection of postcards, choose one of them and print it out for colleagues on dense glossy paper.

Postcards from the Teacher's Day 2017 and congratulations (you can download for free)

Speaking about the complexities in the system of our educationand problems in the search for new, worthy personnel, coming to be replaced by an experienced teacher, rarely anyone thinks about who can become a teacher. As modern children have more and more alternative sources of knowledge (Internet, in particular), the teacher of our time simply has to be a modern person. He must be able to admit his mistakes in time, do not hesitate to tell the students about ignorance of any question, not to be an authoritarian person. People with such characteristics always have children. On October 5, they gladly give them postcards on Teacher's Day and write congratulations there, which you can easily download from us.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Here you can download greeting cards and congratulations for the Teacher's Day 2017

The most kind greeting cards and congratulations to the Teacher's Day 2017 you can choose and download here, under this text. Save them to yourself in a separate file to hand them to educators on October 5th.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Postcards from paper with the Day of the Teacher 2017, made by the children of the primary school

Primary school teachers always appreciate children'spostcards made by own hands from colored paper, and pictures to the Day of the teacher. Before the holiday on October 5, 2017, ask your son or daughter to make such a cute surprise for the teacher of primary classes together.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

How to make a simple postcard from the paper with your hands to the Teacher's Day

A simple postcard with the teacher's day made of paper, made by own hands, is the best gift from the student. It is possible to make her own older children better, and younger students should be helped by adults.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Postcard with three-dimensional flowers for Teacher's Day - Master class with photo

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Over the creation of such a card, dedicated to Teacher's Day, children of primary classes usually work for about an hour. To create it, the child will need:

  • Orange, red, green, yellow and white paper;

  • Scissors;

  • Glue;

  • Color cardboard;

  • Ruler with pencils;

  • Ribbon for gift decoration.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

After gathering all the materials and tools, get to work.

  1. Cut vertically the cardboard; The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  2. Fold each of the halves; The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  3. Prepare 2 pieces of tape length of 18 and 24 cm;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  4. Glue the tape onto the cardboard as shown in the photo.The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  5. Glue the remainder of the future postcard on top;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  6. Fold in half a postcard, tying a bow on it;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  7. Cut from the red paper stripes of 6 cm, bending them vertically in half. Of them, flowers will come out;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  8. Scissors create a fringe from the stripes, leaving 5 millimeters on the edge of the paper;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  9. Cut yellow paper five-millimeter strips;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  10. Twisting the yellow strip into a tight spiral, glue it to a red strip with fringe;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  11. You will get such a flower;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  12. Cut green paper leaves as you see here;The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  13. Glue the leaves and flower to the postcard; The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  14. Make a "frame" postcard, using strips of yellow paper; The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  15. Inside the postcard, glue a white sheet. Write congratulations on it; The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  16. Postcard on Teacher's Day is ready! The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Everyone can learn,

To teach is a gift!

After all, being able to be very important

Sparkling is turned into a fire.

Happy Teacher's Day Worldwide!

This day is rightfully yours.

You health, happiness, peace,

Encouragement for the experience.

More often to hear gratitude,

To be with the kids in the frets.

To make your dreams come true,

Do not let the fad in your eyes!

Dear teacher, your patience, your steadfastness anddedication, your sensitivity and love for each student - incredible back-breaking work! Thank you for being with us in the most difficult times. We wish you love for your work, endless health and inspiration!

It is hard work - to teach children

And give yourself wholly,

The road of knowledge to them to open,

Find all the words you need.

And on Teacher's Day from us

Accept gratitude,

She is honest, not show off,

So let him bring joy.

Your patient, necessary work

Worthy of admiration,

Let all the flowers for you bloom,

Adding inspiration.

The best cards Scrapbooking with the Day of the Teacher 2017- with their own hands

The best modern cards for the Teacher's Day 2017-this is the original scrapbooking crafts made by own hands. Those who are not yet familiar with the techniques of this technique, will easily master it and fall in love. Just follow the instructions of the master class, and you will do it all the first time!

Scrapbooking-card for Teacher's Day - Master-class hand-made crafts

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Scrapbooking postcard with Teacher's Day - hand-crafted,made with her own hands with love and kindness, will take the teacher's place on the shelf and souvenirs and gifts received from the children. It will take about one and a half to two hours to create it. The time to work, of course, depends on the complexity of the chosen postcard.

So, before working on the card, first prepare:

  • Scissors;

  • Adhesive or glue gun;

  • Gel pens;

  • Multicolored (designer) cardboard;

  • Two-sided paper;

  • Half bead;

  • Tapes;

  • Notebook in a slanting line.

  1. Since scrapbooking consists of many details, you first need to collect all the components of the postcard together, having arranged them in the workplace. The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  2. The finished postcard looks very bright and fun, however, it will take a little over one and a half hours to work on it. The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

  3. The sequence of scrapbooking activitiesreminds of work on the most simple paper postcard. There is only a greater number of small details (a bead like an umbrella hat, leaves, ribbons). In addition, in scrapbooking, thick paper is often replaced with designer cardboard.

Funny postcards for women-educators on Teacher's Day 2017 (download for free)

Despite its seeming severity andseriousness, teachers just love jokes. They will definitely appreciate even the coolest cards with the Teacher's Day, presented to them on a professional holiday. Preparing such a surprise for a female teacher, you can download funny pictures and congratulations from us.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Examples of cool postcards for Teacher's Day for women

Despite its seeming severity andseriousness, teachers just love jokes, They will appreciate even the most cool postcards given to them on Teacher's Day. Preparing such a surprise for a female teacher, you can download funny pictures and congratulations from us.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Greeting card on Teacher's Day 2017

Any teacher is happy to see a sincerethe manifestation of the attention of their students. Handing a bouquet, a gift card with a kind congratulation on Teacher's Day, a small souvenir - all this pleases the teacher who received such wonderful gifts.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Download free greeting cards with Teacher's Day

If you do not have enough time to make a small present for yourself on October 5, download the postcard you liked here with the best congratulations.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Beautiful postcard from the Teacher's Day 2017 colleagues (you can download it here for free)

October 5 teachers of all educational institutionsaccept congratulations not only from students and their dads and moms. On this day, the teachers themselves gather after class to celebrate their professional holiday. A postcard with the Teacher's Day 2017, handed to colleagues, will become a small, but very appropriate gift.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Postcards for downloading to colleagues on Teacher's Day 2017

If you think that the usual postcard is Happyteacher, gifted to colleagues - too small, nothing meaning present, you are mistaken. Each teacher is important attention, and comrades in the "teaching shop" is by no means an exception.

The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017 The best cards with the Teacher's Day 2017

Funny and funny, funny and kind, - the bestcards with Teacher's Day and congratulations, downloaded for free on our website, will sincerely please your beloved teachers on October 5th. If you want to make a beautiful paper gift for teachers, the master class on scrapbooking will help you make the most excellent present for the holiday. Such an elegant souvenir will be enjoyed by fellow teachers.

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