Greetings at the prom in class 4

Do you remember your first school graduation? Probably, this solemn and simultaneously touching event, like the very first line on September 1, remember everything. Farewell to the primary school, of course, is not as fateful as the graduation in grade 11, but nevertheless its importance should not be underestimated. After all, on this day there is a farewell to the first teacher and other teachers, who managed to become native for 4 years of education for both children and parents. Beautiful, touching and funny congratulations on graduation in grade 4 in verse and prose are an integral part of this holiday. So do not miss the opportunity to say kind words of gratitude to teachers and motivational parting words to young graduates! And the collections from this article will help you in this.

Touching congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from parents to teachers in verse and prose

Greetings at the prom in class 4

Parents of small graduates, as a rule,know well not only the first teacher, but also other members of the teaching staff who carried the light of knowledge to their children. Therefore, touching congratulations on graduation in grade 4 teachers in verse and prose from parents are kind of farewell words of gratitude. They are full of gratitude for kindness, responsiveness and great love for children. Variants of touching and kind verses and congratulations in prose for teachers from parents at the graduation in grade 4 will find further.

Poems and prose for congratulations to teachers on graduation in grade 4 from parents

Today our graduation day is a day of farewell to the school. I would like our dear teachers to say farewell words. We are immensely grateful to you for sincere care and experience, for hard work and patience. We wish to remain the same kind people and cheerful teachers. Let the pupils and parents of all of you respect, let the days at work and at home be successful, let the bright soul always remain, and the warm heart. We will miss, dear our teachers!

All children, teachers

With the graduation congratulations.

School years us all

Made friends.

From the parents, thank you

We speak to the teachers.

Kindness, love, care

Let the hundredfold return to you.

We would like our children:

Good luck and good luck!

Let on the road of life

Happiness will meet you.

Dear teachers,

You do wonders!

Children have chosen roads,

They raise sails.

Those sails you gave them,

The ship was built by the family.

We created a sailboat together,

And then the ship descended.

How can you live on a volcano?

Keep these demons in check?

We believe in long-term plans

The works of the teachers will be presented.

Physicians, designers, pilots,

Bridges of builders, singers,

And the "inspired rhymes"

And for the rights of people fighting.

Thank you for being patient.

Live the century, in spite of years.

You are sorcerers, no doubt.

We bow low to you.

Funny congratulations in the graduation ceremony in the 4th grade from parents to children

Greetings at the prom in class 4

For children, graduation in grade 4 is an important step in thelife, one more step on a long educational path. And not to congratulate them on this day with all the successes and achievements is simply unacceptable. In particular, the cool congratulations in the verses on the graduation in the 4th grade are prepared by the parents. For them, expressing publicly their admiration for children's victories on this day is worth a lot. A good selection of cool poems at the graduation ceremony in grade 4 for congratulating children from parents is below.

Funny poems for congratulating children with graduation in grade 4 from parents

You go to the fifth class - you are big,

Beautiful, tall, steep,

Both wise and literate too.

And no one in the world is more expensive!

Let it be easy for you to study,

And the world is big with a smile,

And smiles to you from the sun from heaven,

And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all teachers -

For all we thank them we say,

We wish the earthly prosperity,

The success of the daily big!

In the primary classes

Today is the graduation.

4 years have passed

At the bottom of one.

You will fill in the autumn

Team high school students.

Items are waiting for you new,

And everyday life is waiting, and holidays.

With the teacher first

It's time to say goodbye.

And more kids

You should not be called.

I wish in high school

I wish you success,

To be interesting

And just you learn.

At you today a prom -

With the fourth class said goodbye.

So let the feast be a mountain.

Instantly so years sped -

You have grown up. And on holiday all

You want to say the present:

Science let in all its glory

Before you now open,

Let it be easy for them

And infinitely interesting.

And let it be taught to you

The most beautiful, wonderful song!

Kind and beautiful congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from teachers to children

Greetings at the prom in class 4

For four years of primary school, they are not justhave got used to these children, but also quite seriously consider them "their own". Teachers, like no other, rejoice at the success of their wards, who, of course, reflect their professional achievements. Kind and beautiful congratulations to children at the graduation in the 4th grade from teachers is not just wishes. These are wise parting words and touching words of farewell, which always touch for the depths of the soul. Variants of kind and most beautiful congratulations for children on graduation in grade 4 from teachers in the next compilation.

Beautiful congratulatory poems for children at the graduation in the 4th grade from teachers

Graduates of primary school,

We congratulate you heartily,

And we wish you guys,

Success is only on the way.

In school, let everything work out,

You do not ever sad.

After all, you guys are waiting for you,

Such a glorious year.

For 4 years now

You're out of it, you children.

The oldest one is waiting for you,

Conquering height.

We wish you every success,

In every business,

And in all subjects difficult

Only five receive.

Four years ran, flew by,

You have crossed this line with honor.

You have grown up, grown stronger, emboldened,

And neither the suffix nor the case scare you.

We wish you success and health,

And a strong tooth to gnaw the granite of science.

Let the houses surround you with love,

And in the class you boldly drag your hand.

Original congratulations to parents on graduation in grade 4 from teachers in verse

Greetings at the prom in class 4

A bunch of teacher-parents always gives goodresults in the joint process of teaching children. It is no wonder that close work for several years gives birth, if not friendship, then exactly respect to each other. Parents and teachers often become close comrades who maintain relationships after the end of primary school. But even if this does not happen, sincere warmth towards each other is experienced by both the first and the second. Original congratulations to parents on graduation in grade 4 from teachers in verse - a response to similar wishes from moms and dads. Choose the most original and beautiful poems for congratulating parents on graduation in grade 4 from teachers from the next collection.

Original poems for congratulations on graduation in the 4th grade to parents from teachers

Parents, be proud! Your children

They stepped into life. And this important step

As a path through an unknown planet,

And behind him is the hearth.

We, look, the best in the world

Yesterday girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

There were children and children,

There were schoolchildren, and here

Both girls and boys

Graduation is now a people.

Well, moms, well, dads,

As parents were,

So you left them,

Only more zagardilis.

Let them go to success together

Your joyful children,

Well, you now, of course,

You must remember this day!

The pairs are spinning,

Waltzes farewell,

Sad tears,

Ball Gown ...

We thank you, parents,

We want to congratulate graduates!

Thank you for what you raised,

The world was multifaceted before them!

Congratulations on graduation in grade 4 for children,teachers and parents - a great tradition, which should always be supported. So do not forget about good wishes on such an important day and choose beautiful and touching congratulations in verses and prose for graduation in elementary school from our article!

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