How to properly carol for Christmas on January 6 and 7 and the Old New Year, what you need to say - poems, songs, rituals, costumes

Zvezdar, mehonosh, goat, bear, Herod, three kings- this is perhaps the brightest and most memorable characters of traditional Christmas holidays. Without these mummers in the old times, there was not a single Christmas celebration. Even today, companies of adults and children, going to caroling on January 6 and 7, are pleased to try on these colorful costumes. And they are also learning carols and generous songs - funny songs that are an integral part of the ancient rite for Christmas and January 13 for the Old New Year. From our today's article you will learn how to correctly carol and say what to say, and also find the words of the most popular and beautiful songs and traditional poems.

How and when to properly caroling January 6-7 for Christmas and Old New Year

How to properly carol for Christmas on January 6 and 7 and the Old New Year, what you need to say - poems, songs, rituals, costumes

It's no secret that many decades of religioustraditions in our country were banned. But, despite this, most of them, including generous gifts with carols, have reached our days practically in their original form. True, not all modern children and adults are well acquainted with them. For example, the question of how and when to correctly caroling and generous - January 6-7 at Christmas or in the Old New Year - remains one of the most urgent. In fact, in different regions of our country and near abroad, the time of day and night, when caressing and cheering, can vary. This is due to local traditions and folk customs. Nevertheless, the numbers and holidays, when you can carol and lend, are common to all. Therefore, so that the question of when and how to carol / lend correctly - at Christmas (6-7 January) or in the Old New Year (January 13-14), you did not arise any more, remember:

  • 6 January - caroling

  • January 7 - Christmas

  • January 13th - they are generous

  • January 14 - they are sowing

When can you carol and lend

In most regions, caroling, notto start, on the evening of the sixth day after the appearance of the first star on the horizon. The mummers go to their homes, sing songs that glorify the birth of the Savior, and wish the owners well-being and prosperity. In return, the mummers receive sweet treats and monetary rewards for their songs. On the morning of the 7th of January, girls and children are celebrating Christmas, singing ritual songs about the birth of Jesus Christ. In contrast to carols, they do not dress up in costumes, except folk, and not songs about Kolyada. On the night of the Old New Year, young guys and girls go to give gifts with songs. They also sing songs about well-being in the coming year (generous) and receive refreshments for their efforts. And on the morning of January 14, it is customary not to give generosity, but to sow - to go home and generously sprinkle the owners with grain and coins. Such a rite is accompanied by special verses and symbolizes prosperity and a rich harvest in the new year. Traditionally to sow, as well as to give encouragement, men go, as it is believed that the man who crossed the first threshold of the master's house in the new year brings good luck. This is what the highlights look like on those holidays, when you can be generous with poems and songs.

How at Christmas is it proper to carol and what to say?

The idea of ​​how to do it right for ChristmasTo carouse and that it is necessary to speak to the owners can vary greatly depending on the particular region and local customs. But there are a number of common traditions that are characteristic of Christmas caroling / generosity outside of local customs. For example, carols should go to their homes in groups of at least 3 people. The most important kolyadnik - zvezdar. Traditionally, the star is appointed the most voiced member of the group, who knows the carols, generous and Christmas poems. In addition, he plays the role of the main "singers", on his shoulders are assigned and one more honorable mission - wearing a star. The star symbolizes the good sign of the birth of Jesus and proclaims his appearance in this world. In addition to the star, among the carols must necessarily be a bell ringer and a mechanic. The first carries a large bell and thereby notifies the owners that they are approaching their court. Mehonosha, in turn, carries a large beautiful bag for guests - sweets and money, which singing give people.

What you need to tell Kolyadniki, what words and poems

Before proceeding to poetry and songs, toTraditions kolyadniki should ask the owners of the house permission for caroling. In the old days to deny mummers for Christmas was considered unacceptable, but today many can easily refuse to carols. Therefore, to ask permission first will be correct most simply a simple phrase: "Good evening! Can you build it? ". After the approval of the owners, you can begin to caroling - sing songs and read traditional short rhymes. At the end of the performance, the hosts give singers gifts, and those in turn thank the owners for their generosity with the kind wishes of peace and prosperity. Now, when you know how to carol for Christmas correctly and what you need to say (lyrics, songs), be sure to use your knowledge in practice on January 6.

Christmas carol, carol

Open the gate,

Take the trunks,

Serve the pigs.

Although the rub,

Though a nickle,

We will not leave home like this!

Give us a candy,

And you can and a coin

Do not regret anything

On the eve of Christmas!

Vorobushek is flying,

The tail twists,

And you, people, know,

Tables fade,

Guests are welcome,

Christmas meet!

For greetings, for a treat


You live to two years together!

I wish you happiness and sound health!

With the Holy Christmas,

Happy New Year!

Ding-ding-ding, ringing bells!

Sons and daughters have come to you!

You meet Christmas trees,

Wait for us with a smile!


I drove young.

We found a carol

In the Ivanov court!

Hey, Uncle Ivan,

Bring good into the yard!

As the street frost

It freezes the nose,

He does not want to stand for long,

He orders us to serve soon,

Or a warm pie,

Or money with a spear,

Or ruble in silver!

Traditional songs and poems for those who are going to caroling for Christmas

How to properly carol for Christmas on January 6 and 7 and the Old New Year, what you need to say - poems, songs, rituals, costumes

According to the tradition of caroling for Christmas withsongs and poems are gathered mainly by children and youth. Adults can also accompany a group of carols and participate in the process of caroling, for example, depict different characters. Depending on the region, the texts of Christmas songs and poems are different, but there are also traditional options that are always relevant. These are the so-called folk verses and carols, in which there is a mention of Kolyada, the pagan goddess of fertility. It was she who was dedicated to her songs on the New Year holiday by our ancestors. Later this pagan holiday was combined with Christian Christmas, which led to the emergence of so-called "church" carols - folk songs and poems about the birth of Jesus Christ. Next, you will find variations of traditional songs and poems for those who are going to caroling for Christmas 2017 and the Old New Year. With their help, both children and adults can carouse.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

And there is Kolyada

On the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada came,

Christmas brought.

Christmas carol

On the eve of Christmas

Although a ruble, though a nickle -

We will not go away just like that!

Today the Angel has come down to us

And he sang: "Christ was born!"

We came to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,

Forgiveness to us all sins,

We have a good message for you,

Without the guests we will not leave!


Good with a medal of pancakes,

And without honey is not like that,

Give, aunt (or uncle) pies!

Merry Christmas, you holy people!

Let peace be with you,

To grief you did not know

And they were in wealth!

Kolyada - molyada

I went into the new gate!

And behind it and frost

Through tyn outgrowth!

He brought the cold,

So that Grandfather Arkhip

Became young!

The frost is not great,

But do not tell me to stand!

Do not tell the frost to stand,

It's time for us to carouse.


Quickly give me a carol!

Feet chilly,

I'll run home.

Who will give,

He is a prince,

Who will not give -

Togo in the mud!

Kalidim, Kalidim I have only one father,

My father sent me,

So I can get the bread.

And I do not want bread, serve sausage,

Do not give sausage, I'll blow the whole house.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,

I'm at my mom's,

Knee-length casing,

Give, uncle, patty!

Open the chest,

Give me a penny!

What is in the oven - in the bag of swords!

That's my mother - winter came,

Open the gate! "

Come Christmas!

Christmas carols have come!

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.

God grant him who is in this house.

We wish all good people:

Gold, silver,

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes,

Good health,

Cow oil.

How many aspen,

So much for you pigs;

How many trees,

So many cows;

How many candles,

So many sheep.

I wish you happiness,

The host with the hostess,

Greater health,

Happy New Year,

With all the genders!

Christmas carol, carols!

Carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Who will give the pie,

That is full of cattle,

Ovin with oats,

Stallion with tail.

You will give us -

We will praise,

And you will not give -

We will blame!

Christmas carol, carols!

Give me the pie!

How to caroling for Christmas correctly - variations of traditional costumes

To carol for Christmas, you do not need toonly know the songs and poems, but also necessarily dress in traditional for this rite costumes, which are quite a few options. What is noteworthy, most costumes of Christmas carols do not require special material costs and are very simple to manufacture. However, like the characters themselves, which by tradition are reincarnated by adults and children on January 6 and 7 for Christmas and the Old New Year. The most popular among them are the following images: a goat, a bear, a gypsy, an angel, a horse, a devil. Actual and simplest variants of costumes can be called masks - self-made or purchased, symbolizing different characters and animals. For example, it's very easy to make a goat suit out of a dark sheepskin coat and a horned mask. The memorable and simple image of a gypsy can also be easily realized with the help of a long skirt, bright ornaments and a colorful scarf. Believe me, and kolyadovat, and generous in this way will be very fun and correct. More details on how to properly carol, what you need to say while this, what costumes you better choose to learn from the video below.

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