What to donate for the New Year 2017 Rooster Mom and Dad, family, teachers. What to present to your beloved guy, girl, husband for the New Year 2017
New Year's fun would not be complete withouttraditional presents "under the Christmas tree". The custom of presenting gifts on the first day of the new year exists in virtually all cultures of the world. It is believed that this beautiful tradition came to us from ancient Rome. It is the Romans, and to be more precise, the rich and noble inhabitants of this ancient city, began to present gifts to high-ranking officials and the emperor himself on the first day of the coming year. This was a kind of "bribery" and a long-term arrangement for themselves in the near future. Gradually, the tradition of giving small presents to the New Year has spread to the poorer segments of the population, and then moved to other cities and countries. Today New Year's presents are first of all a sign of attention in relation to dear people. Therefore, the meaning and purpose of the presents for the winter holidays depends on many factors. For example, on the degree of kinship and closeness of relationships. Agree that a gift for a beloved girl or boyfriend will be more expensive and meaningful than a teacher's gift. Important when choosing a gift and the degree of relationship. It is clear that a gift for the New Year 2017 to the pope or mother is desirable to make more expensive than a cousin or mother-in-law. Do not forget about the original ideas for New Year's presents. Next, you will learn what to give for the New Year 2017 to the original girl or boyfriend, husband or wife, parents, friends, teachers.
What to give unusual for the New Year 2017, ideas with photos
The most important question that worries many in thebefore the winter holidays: "What is unusual to give for the New Year 2017?". Standard statuettes in the form of animal characters of the coming year, candles and other traditional souvenirs, one does not particularly surprise or rejoice. All these classic options have long been shown not attention, but only the appearance of care. Therefore, neither sincere warmth, nor love such superficial souvenirs in the house of their owners do not bring. It is much more useful and more correct to give gifts with meaning, not born and original. For example, in 2017, the family can present a palette of photo frames, a set of unusual sofa cushions, a warm plaid or wooden spoons.
Original ideas for New Year's gifts 2017
If we talk about what exactly is the original andunusual gift for the New Year 2017, then in this case the options can be a lot. It is not necessary to make an expensive material gift. Much more memorable and touching, on the contrary, there are presents, made with their own hands and with their soul. For example, you can arrange for a loved one a surprise in the form of New Year's fireworks, a salute from balloons or the invitation of Grandfather Frost. An excellent Christmas present will be a video or photo presentation of what the past year was in your relationship. Pleasantly surprise and such home-made trivia as handmade soap, a panel of natural materials, a thematic poster, drawn by yourself and other similar ideas.
What to give a guy or a girl for the New Year 2017, options with photos
A truly universal gift that wouldapproached the guy and the girl for the New Year a bit. These include traditional options, such as books, CDs, decor elements, gadgets, cosmetic products, sweets. But if you want to make a truly memorable surprise to your second half, then you can not do without gender division. In addition, thinking about what to give a guy or a girl for the New Year 2017, it is important to consider the level of your relationship. The more serious the relationship, the more special the gift should be. However, many modern couples prefer not material, but spiritual values, for example, travel or joint exercise by meditative practices.
Ideas for New Year presents to the guy
So, considering the above factors, the guy on the New Year 2017 can give the following gifts:
business notebook, branded pen or other status office
branded necktie, belt, scarf (can be linked by hand)
cigar case, cigarette lighter, pipe, tobacco, hookah
hot mug, clock, alarm clock
purse, purse, men's bag, pouch for mobile or laptop
car accessories
sports nutrition, season ticket, sports equipment
The last point is suitable only in the case,if a guy is fond of sports and already goes to training. In a nasty situation, such a themed present for 2017 will be unclaimed and may become an extra waste of money.
Variants of presents for the New Year 2017 for the girl
As for the girls, then, as in the case ofguys, the list of presents that you can give them for the New Year 2017, varies depending on the proximity of the relationship. Then you are waiting for an approximate list of possible gifts that will please any girl. And the degree of proximity of your relationship will help you determine the price category of the presents. So, you can give a girl / wife / lover for 2017:
jewelry - jewelry or expensive jewelry
Underwear, provided that you know exactly the parameters of your second half
perfume or cosmetics (if you know exactly which brands she prefers)
certificate in a beauty salon, massage and other similar ideas
soft toy
home decoration with symbols of 2017
You can also show care andattention and present a useful and practical thing. For example, if your other half is working at a computer, you can buy her special glasses that protect your eyes from overwork. And of course, do not ignore the hobbies and hobbies of your loved ones. The idea of a theme gift for 2017, associated with a hobby will always please both the guy and the girl.
What to give inexpensive for the New Year 2017 to family members, friends
New Year is a family holiday and alwaysit is pleasant to meet him in the circle of dear and close people. Therefore, the question of what to donate for the New Year 2017 Cock to family members and friends is inexpensive is relevant for many. First, you need to decide on the purpose and quantity of gifts. You can present as one large general gift, as well as individual souvenirs. For example, present a set of frames or a ready-made panel with family photos, small appliances, home decor. Secondly, preference should be given to useful things in everyday life. And thirdly, choosing what to give the original and inexpensive for the New Year to family members and friends, make bets on spiritual things. For example, presents made by yourself that will be filled with your positive energy. Next, you are waiting for the options for gifts, which you can give to the New Year 2017 mother (mother-in-law, mother-in-law), father (father-in-law), friends. Also you will find ideas of presents for teachers, close colleagues.
New Year 2017 gift ideas for mom and dad
set of dishes, cutlery, set
vases, table lamps, paintings and other decor elements
books, photo albums
small household appliances
Ideas for New Year gifts to friends
collections of music, computer games, books
Board games
candles, handmade soaps
tickets for a concert, a museum, a theater
Ideas for inexpensive gifts for the New Year 2017 for teachers
Stuffed Toys
flowers in pots