Ascension of the Lord. 2016 what number. What can not be done on the Ascension of Our Lord?
Do not know what date the churchthe feast of the Ascension of the Lord 2016? We will prompt - this event is celebrated every year exactly 40 days after Easter, namely on June 9th. The history of the celebration goes back centuries and introduces adults and children to one of the most amazing phenomena of the New Testament - the accession of Jesus in the flesh to heaven. With this divine miracle, there are numerous traditions and rituals that tell modern people what can and can not be done during the holiday. The Ascension of the Lord is dedicated to icons and prayers, religious verses and postcards with thematic pictures, which are usually presented to friends and family on a memorable day.
Ascension of the Lord - the history of the holiday in Christian texts
The history of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is described inThe book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles and in the final chapters of the Gospels of Luke and Mark. According to these texts, Jesus appeared to his disciples for forty days after the miraculous Resurrection and told about the Kingdom of God. At the end of this period, Christ gathered all the apostles in Jerusalem and promised that in a few days the Holy Spirit would give them baptism. Then, before the eyes of his adherents, the Savior ascended into the sky and he was hidden from view by a white cloud. In memory of this amazing event, a holiday was established, named in the future by the Ascension of the Lord.
Ascension of the Lord 2016 - signs, traditions and rites of our ancestors
With the religious festival Ascension of the Lord 2016 many signs, traditions and rites are associated. Our ancestors believed in them and bequeathed their observance to the younger generation.
To grief all year round the family side, you need to take the egg on the holiday and hang it under the roof of the house.
To attract prosperity and prosperity, a dayAscension of the Lord must always try to hear how the screaming magpie. At the moment of her "chatter" they ask the bird to collect jewelry and other useful belongings, but carry it not to the nest, but to the petitioner's house.
Under the cry of crows, one must turn to heaven with the request that the family avoid the problem and the whole year be accompanied by luck, and every croak to announce a good event.
For successful promotion, one musthands to bake a traditional ritual liver in the form of a ladder, eat it before sunset and without fail to drink a glass of water consecrated in the church. After the ritual, the career will go uphill and bring not only moral satisfaction, but also financial well-being.
Ascension of the Lord - what can not be done and what can be done
According to the ancient SlavicAscension of the Lord, spring says goodbye to the world and gives up its rights to the red summer. On the eve of the festive day, all the cases related to the planting of grain and vegetable crops are being completed. Mistresses bake traditional delicacies - "Christ's bast shoes", "loafers" and cakes, friends and relatives go to each other's houses, and young girls play, sing and dance dances. In the evening, on the central square, a huge fire is lit, symbolizing the brightest and fullest flowering of nature.
The code of ancient rules that determine what can not be done for the Ascension of the Lord consists of three points:
You can not perform any "black" work (cleaning, laundry, classes with land, etc.).
It is impossible to occupy the mind with bad thoughts and badly speak about others. But to remember with a kind word of deceased relatives and friends is not only possible, but also necessary.
You can not say the Passover phrase: "Christ is Risen!", As on that day in the churches and temples the Shroud is carried out.
Ascension of the Lord - Orthodoxy icon
The icon depicting one of the most important plots of New Testament chronicles - the Ascension of the Lord - is considered one of the most revered Orthodox shrines.
Ascension of the Lord 2016 - pictures for children
Modern parents, responsibly related toupbringing of children, have been trying since the early years to introduce their offspring to the history of significant church holidays, religious traditions and rituals. Moms and dads in a lucid manner tell the kids what date the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated in 2016, what can and can not be done on this day and how it was customary in olden days to celebrate such an important religious event. To make it easier for children to understand the topic and realize its seriousness, oral words are supplemented by thematic pictures depicting icons, written prayer texts and accessible for understanding poems. In this way, the young generation has an opportunity to join the religious culture and better know the history of Christianity.