Weather in St. Petersburg, July 2016, according to the forecast of the hydrometeorological center. Reviews about the weather in St. Petersburg in July

Summer is the time for holidays. Someone goes to hot countries to bask under the southern sun, and someone prefers excursion tours to cultural and historical centers. In Russia, one of the most attractive, and therefore visited cities, is St. Petersburg. The peak of the influx of tourists falls in the middle of summer. Tourists planning a trip to the northern capital in 2016, of course, are interested in the weather in Petersburg, July especially, since this is the warmest and most comfortable month for staying in the city. What will be the weather, you can help understand the reviews of tourists and a preliminary forecast from the hydrometeorological center.
What will the weather in St. Petersburg in July 2016 be predicted by the hydrometeorological center
What surprises does the weather bring to Petersburg in July?
What will the weather in St. Petersburg in July 2016 be predicted by the hydrometeorological center
The weather in July 2016 in St. Petersburg, according tohydrometeorological center, will be favorable for excursions, sightseeing and walking around the city. July is considered to be the warmest month of the year, but also very wet. The geographical location of the city is such that in the summer it is dominated by cool weather and rain. Therefore, when going on a trip to St. Petersburg, do not forget to bring warm clothes and an umbrella.

In July, the situation is slightly different, in recent yearsthis period there are abnormally high temperatures. It happens that the heat at +26 .. + 30 ° C lasts a week or more. In July 2010, the mercury column rose to +37 ° C. The average daily temperature in the middle of summer is +22 ° C, night + 13 ° C, water temperature +13 ° C, rain - 14 days. What will the weather be like in Petersburg in July 2016, the exact forecast has not yet been received from the hydrometeorological center. It is only known that it will not be anomalous.
What surprises does the weather bring to Petersburg in July?

If you do not like the heat, then in summer you can safelyto go to the city on the Neva. The heat does not last long, the rest of the time in the city is pretty cool. According to tourists, in July the weather in St. Petersburg is most favorable and comfortable for excursions around the city. Evenings are rather chilly, with the onset of dusk, the thermometer's column drops to +13 .. + 14 ° C, so it's impossible to do without warm things.
If you are planning a visit to St. Petersburg in July,try to implement it at the beginning of the month, when the magical atmosphere of the "white nights" is still here. In fact, they are more like muted lighting, however, this is an incredible time, giving a sense of joy and delight. At the beginning of the month, the "white nights" noticeably begin to wane and with each passing day they become darker.
July 16-17, they are completely over. By this time, the duration of the day is reduced to 18 hours, continuing to decrease daily for 5 minutes. Despite the absence of white nights, the summer, filled with warmth and romance, continues. How it will be, what will the weather be like in St. Petersburg in July - tourist reviews and a hydrometeorological center will help you make your own forecast.
According to the preliminary forecast of the hydrometeorological center, based on the testimony of previous years, and also on the feedback of tourists, the weather in Petersburg, July 2016, will be comfortable and favorable for recreation.