The main goal of almost every Christmasfortune telling - to find out the name of the man and the date of the wedding. These issues have worried many unmarried women for many centuries. Hence the tradition to conduct divination was born. These rites can be simple and often more comic than serious. But some of them differ in complexity, mysticism and even danger. Divination by valenok on the narrowed refers to the category of lungs.

Fortune-telling on Christmas boots: Features and history

At first glance, the attempt to find out your fate byvalenku - unpretentious and simple rite. However, it only seems so. In fact, this is a very ancient fortune telling, whose roots go back to pre-Christian pagan times. In this way, there was communication with otherworldly forces, which were able to predict the future of the girl who conducted the rite.

With the formation of the Christian faith divination passedin the category of disagreeable and wrong actions condemned by the church. But the desire of young girls to learn something about their future narrowed remained as strong. Therefore, like most other fortune-telling, the ritual with boots is still practiced. It is held on Christmas and Epiphany holidays, because it is during this period that the greatest magical power is manifested.

The rules of fortune-telling on the narrowed

Fortunetelling with boots is not so much. The most common of its main goal is to find out where the tutored-mummer comes from. Unlike other more complex and eerie fortune-teller fortunes or mirrors, the option with felt boots is quite simple. In order to find out where the darling comes from, it is necessary to perform several successive actions.

  1. The very first thing is to pick up felt boots. Shoes should be the girl herself, and not borrowed from a girlfriend, parents or younger brother. Today, not every home has such an item of shoes, so the boot is replaced with a shoe or boot.

  2. To start the ritual, you need Christmas Eve,Old New Year or Baptism to go out into the yard of the house and become a back to the fence that borders the road. The presence of a road here is compulsory, because it is on her then come a nice girl to the house.

  3. Becoming the back to the fence, you need to throw one valenok over your shoulder so that it flew over the fence and fell to the road. You can just go out on the road and throw your shoes back over your shoulder.

  4. Then it remains only to go beyond the fence and find out,in which direction will look the toe of the fallen shoes. It is from that side that the striker will come. If the sock is turned towards the fence of the girl, then during the next year no wedding is to be expected. In the event that the front of the shoe burrowed into the snow, the relationship with the girl with her adoration will be, but only friendly, without the prospect of connecting her destinies with a marriage.

In past centuries, it was believed that if on the side, inwhich looks valenok, is the city, then the groom will be rich. If the sock is deployed in the direction of the forest, the field, then there will not be a good betrothed, or even an unclean force may come.

Divination of fortune-telling on Christmas boots

With fortune-telling on felt boots there are many curiousof cases. Most of them are due to the fact that when the girls gathered together for the ritual, their suitors tried every way to spy on and overhear the results. Therefore, young people often were on duty under the fence. So, the felt boots flying through it quite often fell not on the road, but on someone from the guys. Sometimes such funny situations were really fateful. The guy who got the shoes, soon became the bridegroom of the girl who performed the rite.

With a man connected and another option for fortune-telling. The girl needs to throw it on the road and wait. Whoever raises it first needs to ask a name. That's the way they will call a suitor.

Online fortune-telling on the felt

Modern technologies allowceremonies, without leaving a cozy warm apartment. You no longer need to look for a road or a fence, and also boots. At the same time, online reading is more perfect than usual. The thing is that with the traditional ritual you can find out only the direction from where the young man will come, and in the online version his name is called.

The principle of carrying out such a rite in the regimereal-time is quite simple. You need to find the appropriate site and guessing yourself. In the picture, the animation will depict a girl with a boot in her hand. It is enough to delay it with a mouse, and he himself will fly over the fence. It remains to wait a few seconds, and on the cloud that emerges from behind the fence you can see the name of your chosen one.

Talking about the truth and accuracy of such fortune tellingcomplicated. However, for it to be truly objective, one does not need to abuse it and experience fate several times in a row. Only spent once, the rite will be exact.

Fortune-telling on the felt is verywidespread ritual and even described in the ballad of Zhukovsky. Therefore, like many centuries ago, until now, girls are trying to learn more about their narrowing in this way.

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