4 ways to transfer money to Crimea

Since March 16, 2014 Crimea officially isa separate subject of the Russian Federation. The financial and banking system of the peninsula has undergone changes. About how you can now transfer money to the Crimea, we tell in our article. Carefully study the conditions to understand which option suits you more than others.

Sending money to Crimea with the help of fast money transfer systems

Send money from Russia to Crimea you canusing the popular system of fast translations - "The Golden Crown". The cost of transfer is 1% of the amount, but not more than 1 000 rubles. To make a transfer, the sender needs to visit the payment receipt point, specify the receiver's coordinates, as well as his passport data. The recipient will be able to collect the sent amount in the offices of KrayInvestBank and the GENANKBANK in the territory of the Crimean peninsula. Coordinates of representations can be viewed on official websites:

  • http://genbank.ru/contacts/krim

  • http://kibank.ru/banking-network/offices

Similarly, we can usesystem Western Union. The percentage for the transfer depends on the amount (see it here, and the implementation period does not exceed 12-18 hours.) It is convenient that WesternUnion branches are located practically in every city of Russia and Crimea.

We transfer money to Crimea with the help of electronic wallets

4 ways to transfer money to Crimea

Recently, the Genbank in the Crimea and the Post of Russiabegan to issue money transferred from the electronic purse of the WebMoney system. Such a transfer can only be made in rubles (WMR). To certify citizenship, the system requests the loading of scans or copies of passport pages and obtaining a certificate of at least "formal". The commission for transfers by the WebMoney system can not be less than 1.8% of any amount, the terminal commission is 4-9%.

The procedure for translating is quite simple: the recipient is registered in the system on the site http://start.webmoney.ru, sends to the sender the number of the ruble purse, the sender at the nearest terminal puts the necessary amount of money on the wallet. As a rule, the funds are credited in the period from 10 minutes to a couple of hours. If the recipient binds an electronic purse to the bank card of Genebank or RNCB, he can cash his money faster.

The same procedure for transferring money to the Crimea and using electronic purses QIWI and Yandex.Money. The difference is only in the cost of translation. Details can be found on the official websites of the companies:

  • https://money.yandex.ru

  • https://qiwi.ru/

We make a money transfer to the Crimea by Post of Russia

4 ways to transfer money to Crimea

Money transfer by Russian Post is the most popular andsimple method. It is produced in any post office with the help of express delivery. Now the recipients do not need to wait a few weeks, the funds can be received as early as the second or third day. For transfer it is necessary to specify the recipient's full name, address and index.

Attention! Do not forget that there are new postcodes in the Crimea. Which ones, look here.

When transferring money to the Crimea with the help of the Russian Post, the commission will be 250 rubles + 1% of the amount. Find the closest branch to you here.

Making a bank transfer to a card or account

On the territory of Crimea are most commonthe following banks: Sberbank, Genbank, RNCB. Their branches are in almost all settlements of the peninsula and most of the local residents have already managed to open personal accounts in them.

4 ways to transfer money to Crimea

As a rule, the term of money transfer in thesebanks makes 1-3 banking days, and the commission depends on many accompanying factors (from 0,5% to 2%). To send money, you need to have the full bank details of the recipient and specify a couple of additional nuances. See the official websites of banks for details:

  • http://www.rncb.ru

  • http://www.genbank.ru

  • http://www.sberbank.ua/for_clients_of_crimea/

We hope that our article has helped you find a good way to transfer money to the Crimea. If you have something to supplement our material, write in the reviews.

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