When is Valentine's Day celebrated, will be celebrated? When is Valentine's Day, date?
The day of all lovers is known to people already moreone and a half millennium. Beginning with Rome and ending with Western Europe, the legend of St. Valentine has bypassed almost the entire planet. About the very originator of the celebration is known very little, but this does not detract from the importance of the holiday. Today the international day of romance and love helps even shy, timid and indecisive people to express the depth of their feelings without picking up superfluous words. When is Valentine's Day? Day of all lovers around the world celebrate on February 14.
When is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia?
From year to year the popular day of all loversis celebrated on February 14. At the same time, many do not even suspect that Valentine's Day is a Catholic holiday. Digging deeper into the Christian tradition, you can find another unofficial day of lovers - July 8. It is this date that is dedicated to Saint Peter and Khavroniya, who lived their lives in love and harmony. Unfortunately, the Christian day of lovers is not celebrated in the countries of the post-Soviet space as globally as the Catholic one.
Traditions to congratulate your loved ones and express themThe deepest feelings with the help of gifts and valentines were built and honed for years. Today, a primitive card in the form of a heart, donated on February 14, will mean much more than a precious gift worth a lot of money. Surely the roots of such rituals originate in long-past historical events.
When did Valentine's Day begin to celebrate?
The history of the holiday of lovers goes back todistant III century. The Roman Emperor Claudius II issued an order forbidding the creation of a family for young people who are required to perform military service. The reasoning of the emperor was based on the fact that marriage destroys the fighting military spirit. At that time, and manifested itself heroically, the priest Valentine, who later became a saint. Contrary to the order of the emperor, he continued to marry lovers, for which he was executed.
Historical evidence of such a history is small, butthe legend continues to exist. It is thanks to the priest Valentine, who has taken the side of all lovers, today is celebrating a wonderful day dedicated to love and romance.
Now everyone knows for sure when Valentine's Day, how to celebrate it and where the origins of such an amazing magic date are taken from.