beautiful coffin

Every person faces more than once in his lifewith death. We leave relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors and just acquaintances. Many people often dream of a deceased person. What could this dream mean?

If you dreamed of a deceased, then this is a warning. Much depends on who this person was to you. For example, to see in a dream the late father - to events that will bring you a loss; mother - someone from loved ones will soon become enraged; blood relatives - to expenses.

What does the deceased dream about

The dead person who has come to life in your dreamsymbolizes that one of your friends or acquaintances is bad for you. Most likely, he plans to drag you into a dubious event, which will bring you considerable losses. The deceased, who has risen from the grave, informs that your friends will not come to your aid in a difficult moment for you, rely only on their own strength.

picture of sleep

What does the deceased relatives dream about alive?

A dream in which you see a deceased relative alive, tells you that you have a great responsibility. If you have experienced fear in a dream, then this is a warning about future troubles.

If the deceased in your sleep advised you something, be sure to take this into consideration. Often, people close to the world help people make the right decision and not get off the right track.

Talking with the deceased in a dream notifies about life changes and new acquaintances with important and interesting people.

scary picture

What does the deceased dream about?

Such a dream portends misfortunes, heavyillness and even a quick demise. But do not take it very close to heart. The most important thing for you is to be careful and cautious. If you are concerned about health, then be sure to visit your doctor and take a survey. If you suffer from chronic diseases, then it's time to undergo another course of therapy. Do not take part in dubious adventures that can bring you a loss.

To marry a deceased in a dream - perhaps yourlife is threatened. Beware of injuries, accidents, illnesses. Also, such a vision can say that the spirit of a dreamed person intends to protect you from all bad things.

Drinking with a deceased in a dream reports thatthe deceased person reminds you of himself, so you need to remember him, go to the temple, put a candle behind the rest, read a prayer. Also do not forget that to see alcohol as a dream portends life troubles, disappointment in loved ones, resentment. Dreams, in which alcohol is present, dreams of a person at a crossroads. Alcohol drinks promise troubles, and the stronger the drink, the more difficult the situation.

To give to the deceased in a dream something is fora dream that does not bode well. To give money to a deceased person in a dream speaks of the death of blood relatives or close friends. If the deceased person in your vision gives you something, this means good luck and well-being. To embrace and kiss the deceased - for a seriously ill patient - an early death, but it's better for a healthy person not to tell anyone about this dream.

Dancing with the deceased in a dream, regardless ofof what he was to you during his lifetime, can symbolize your emotional torment about the death of this person, as well as unrealized plans associated with him.

If you had a dream the deceased, first of all, rememberit, buy sweets and give them to friends, relatives and co-workers. In any case, dreams only warn us of some incidents that may occur. Do not take them as an absolute guarantee of future events.

different dreams

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