What will be the spring of 2016 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. When the spring comes 2016
Although humanity has achieved a significantscientific and technical progress, subordinated to itself a significant part of nature, explored the entire globe and began to explore space, but it still must look out the window and listen to the forecasts of meteorologists before going out. Weather is not subject to either human technologies or their desires: it is wayward and spontaneous, and all we have to do is adjust to its whims. Let's find out what kind of weather waits for us in the spring of 2016 on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
What will be the spring of 2016 in Russia
When asked when the spring of 2016 will come inRussia, meteorologists can not give an exact answer, since the beginning of March promises to be very unfriendly: in most of the country the temperature will be 11-16 degrees below zero. However, already in mid-April, warming up to 7-12 degrees with a plus sign is expected, and by the end of the month - up to 19-20 degrees, with a significant increase in air temperature in late April, even in Siberia. May in Moscow and the central regions of Russia will be warm and humid: 12-18 degrees above zero and exceeding the monthly rainfall rate. In Western Siberia and the Far East at the beginning of the month can freeze.
When the spring of 2016 will come to Belarus
An early spring is expected in Belarus. Meteorologists claim that in the second decade of March, the air temperature will rise to 13-17 degrees above zero, and by the end of the month it will be 20-23 degrees with a plus sign. It does not expect much rainfall. However, in April the temperature will drop: from +5 to +11 degrees Celsius in the first half of the month and from +14 to +19 degrees in the second. Precipitation will become somewhat larger, but clear days will continue to prevail. By the end of May the air will warm up to 26-28 degrees above zero, although short-term frosts are expected at the beginning of the month. The amount of precipitation this month is also not expected to exceed the norm.
What is the weather forecast for the spring of 2016 for Ukraine
Early spring is not expected in Ukraine. As weather forecasters assure, all March in the most part of the country will be maintained a negative temperature: from -20 to -5 degrees Celsius. The beginning of spring in Ukraine will also be marked by the continuation of snowfalls. By the middle of April a thaw will begin, and the thermometer for the first time in 2016 will begin to show for Ukrainians small plus values. In the second spring month, a large amount of precipitation is expected. A full spring in the country will come in May, when the temperature will finally permanently exceed the mark of +10 degrees. A lot of rainy days are also expected this month.