Where to go for the New Year: Prague

You are still sure that magic is onlyin fairy tales? You have a chance to make sure that this is not so! It is only worth spending a winter holiday in Prague, celebrating Christmas and New Year there, and you will already know that miracles happen in the world. The capital of the Czech Republic has a special magical aura and attracts, like a magnet of many tourists during the Christmas and New Year period. What is so famous for Prague and how to spend the New Year in it?

Winter Holidays in Prague

A lot of our compatriots have already visitedNew Year in the Czech capital, and they were all very pleased. The thing is that the Czech Republic, like France or Italy, in the eyes of tourists is a beautiful romantic country, which has ancient beautiful castles and houses.

But if you plan a trip to France for the NewA year, you will have to pay a decent sum of money, even if you want to celebrate winter holidays somewhere in the French outback, and not in the famous capital.

As for the Czech Republic, celebrating the New Year in itsthe main city - it's much less expensive, and Prague is not much inferior to the famous Paris. The level of service is not worse than Western Europe, and sightseeing and in winter time will please any tourist.

Where to go for the New Year: Prague

New Year in Prague

The long-awaited holiday in the Czech capital usuallystretches for a whole month! From the beginning of December and until the first January days of the coming new year, you can enjoy the beautiful festive atmosphere that always reigns in this time in Prague. The city is completely decorated with illumination and other Christmas and New Year attributes.

Even in narrow aisles and medieval streetsyou can meet beautiful small and large Christmas trees, and on the squares you will be offered a delicious mulled wine and roasted chestnuts. Important: try to come to Prague before the Catholic Christmas (at least a week and not later) or before the New Year.

The best option: before Christmas, then after having spent in the Czechthe capital and the New Year. December 24 Christmas festive atmosphere in the capital of the Czech Republic reached its peak, but after Christmas night Prague like dying: it is unlikely you will encounter on the streets of crowds of people, shops, restaurants are usually closed at this time. Fortunately, the lull does not last long. After all, preparations for the New Year are beginning!It was at this time that an abundant stream of tourists arrived in the Czech Republic.

Where to live in Prague for the New Year

Fish oil can also help to increase the muscles. According to a study published in the journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition in 2010, the increase in muscle mass was seen after six weeks of taking preparations from fish oil (3-4 grams per day). The results obtained testified that fish oil positively influences the synthesis of proteins in muscle cells, and the cells themselves have also been observed to increase.

Of course, before you fly to Prague for winterrest, you need to take good care of the place where you will live. In addition to the option with the hotel, many tourists prefer to rent a small apartment in Prague, pre-booking it via the Internet. In the Czech capital, many similar apartments.

Concerning excursions and other entertainment programs, theirorder is better already on the spot. Sights of winter Prague The beginning of December in the Czech capital always means the celebration of St. Nicholas Day (December 6), and a week later people celebrate the day of St. Lucia. These holidays are very fond of, both children and adults.

On Old Town Square about the same time it opensChristmas Fair. Street theaters, magnificent works of local blacksmiths, holiday souvenirs and, of course, delicious Czech beer - all this you will meet on the streets of the pre-Christmas Prague. Well, of course, New Year's Eve: usually on December 31 and January 1 in Prague it's snowing. New Year's Eve on the last day of December, the Czechs are called generous.

On the night of January 1, all residents and guests of Praguego out to the above-mentioned Old Town Square and open bottles of champagne, as well as beer, to celebrate the volleys of the New Year fireworks. An obligatory tradition is the march to Charles Bridge at night, where you need to make your most cherished desires near statue of John of Nepomuk. Celebrate the New Year in Prague, and you will get unforgettable emotions and a lot of impressions!

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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