Family horoscope for 2012If single and single (unmarried) are mostly interested in love horoscopes, then those who have already found their mate and have already married are more interesting family horoscope for 2012. However, it can be useful to everyone, because the family is not only the spouse, but also parents and other relatives.

Aries. For most of the year, the family life of Aries will bequite good. Beginning in July, small family misunderstandings and problems are possible. Many existing family problems will be resolved on their own in the first half of the year. However, in the second half unnecessary quarrels and confrontations should be avoided, which can undermine good relations in the family.

Taurus. Family Taurus horoscope can not be calledtoo favorable. The problems that have irritated you for a long time will grow like a snowball. The explosion of emotions is likely to happen in the middle of the year, and neither you nor your partner will be willing to compromise. If the relationship has already outlived itself, the advice will not help you. If not, you have the first half of the year to settle everything.

Twins. While the previous family signsthe horoscope promises a calm and favorable first half of the year, it will be restless for Gemini: the tension in the family will gradually increase, but in July an improvement will come, and the crisis will blow. The source of your problems will be the difference in the opinions of family members, exacerbated by their excessive persistence and even stubbornness.

Cancer. Family problems in Cancers can provokehealth problems. Disagreements with family members can lead to problems with pressure, excessive emotional stress, stress and insomnia. Disagreements with your second half and other family members will not disappear by themselves: you need to take the first step, so that the atmosphere in the family again becomes tolerant, and everything is fine.

a lion. Family horoscope for 2012 forrepresentatives of this sign of the Zodiac is quite favorable. Joint celebration of family holidays will strengthen your social unit. But from May to July it is better to avoid confrontations. Try this year to plan a joint family vacation, it will do you good and will be remembered for a long time. This year your family will be your support.

Virgo. This year your family horoscope is veryfavorable. In the family, joyous events are possible - marriage, the birth of a child, etc. Family members recognize your merits and can be proud of you. However, the older generation may have health problems, so you need to give your grandparents as much attention as possible - this year they will need it very much.

Libra. Weights will have to endure a difficult period infamily life: they can face a complex and possibly insoluble situation. The culmination of this difficult time will be the end of March - the beginning of April, when you still have to make the final choice. If you can overcome all obstacles, your further family life will be quite successful.

Scorpio. To maintain harmony in familyScorpios will have to moderate their ardor and keep themselves in check. If you lose your temper, constant family quarrel will spoil your quiet existence. Particularly favorable in terms of family relations are July, November and December. Family horoscope promises Scorpio happy events in these months.

Sagittarius. In the first half of the year, the circle will expanddating, there will be new interesting people. Try to find a balance between the family and new friends, otherwise family conflicts are possible. The second half of the year will not be easy: there will be ill-wishers who will want to destroy your family happiness. You need not take to heart their gossip and intrigue.

Capricorn. Family Horoscope of the Capricorn advises them to keepitself in the hands: in the first half of the year the family relations will be quite tense, and an unexpected breakdown can only worsen everything. If you do not understand the problems, the relationship can disintegrate. In the second half of the year, there may be problems with children, which can upset you and entail unintended expenses.

Aquarius. In the first half of the year in your family lifethe world will reign, but, alas, this can not be said about the second half of the year. For many Aquarius, the period from July to December will not be easy. Relationships will become cool, and you will have to use all your tact to correct the situation for the better. Another scenario is possible: your second half will need help in a difficult situation.

Fish. In the first half of the year, an insignificanttension in family relations. But in April everything will be fine. In the second half of the year, joyful family events await you. However, if by that time you do not solve old problems with relatives, they can become aggravated and lead to serious conflicts, which can be quite difficult to solve.

Family horoscope for 2012
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