What to do in the train
Each of us probably had to use the services of the railway. Someone goes to the sea in the summer, someone visits relatives at the far end of the world. Everyone has his own reason and one problem: what to do in the train?

So, you went to the train, laid out things, set out on a long journey and now you are thinking: what to do on the train? Let us consider the case when you travel alone, without the company. Of course, you can collect a lot of useless waste paper, at best - to pass the time of travel with your favorite book, but it's not so interesting.

In the modern world, we replaced friends with friendsfor correspondence on the Internet. Once they were friends of the villages, and now it happens that you do not know the people who live with you on the same staircase. Let's slightly open the door to our world and invite someone to visit. Especially since traveling on a train is a great occasion to get acquainted with an interesting person. And for a day spent in one compartment, you can even make friends.

Remember that such an acquaintance does not lead to anything.obliges, you can never meet again and forget about each other. And you can take a chance and get into the "bull's-eye": get an interesting conversationalist, a new friend or just a nice neighbor by car.

A few tips on what to do on the train

  • Start the conversation first, do not delay acquaintance. As soon as you saw the fellow traveler, say hello and smile at him. We can say something like this: "If we go together, let's get acquainted". Smile, even if you are sad. A smile opens all the doors.

  • If the time has passed, and you have not met, find an excuse. For example, ask to read a magazine or a newspaper,read 1-2 articles, and when you return, discuss the read: "Did you like the article? It seems to me that ... "Express your opinion, but do not be obtrusive, be sure to listen to a fellow traveler.

  • If your fellow traveler did not like you, go to the next compartment. Ask if there are any cards. If you are lent to them, immediately invite you to play with you. If you see already playing company, ask permission to join. During the usual game of the fool, time passes quickly and interestingly, people get acquainted, communicate, find common interests.

  • Invite your neighbor to play in the long-familiar games: naval battle. For this you need 2 pens and paper.

  • Fans of chess, backgammon or checkers in the kiosks at the station can find road mini sets of favorite games. Invite someone on the train to play with you.

  • Play on Desires. Discuss the desires before the game, let them be fun and childish.

  • Make a bet. For example, who will collect more by hand car handles or some garments. The theme of the bet can be any, the main thing is that it would be fun for you and your neighbors by car.

  • If there is an opportunity and a long way to go, take the guitar. Then the question what to do on the train, will disappear.

  • Fantasize and think of some active gamesso that the whole car would participate in them. Organize the flash mob on the train.

  • Take with you a book on origami and the necessary materials and invite fellow travelers to join you. Give each other the memory of the received models with your phone number or e-mail address.

Be open new acquaintances and impressions, and then the questionAbout what to do on the train, he will decide himself. Do not hide in the corner of your seat, be where there are many people, and you will definitely want to get acquainted. Then the time spent on the road will fly unnoticed and interesting.

What to do in the train
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