Valentine's Day ContestsYou can not celebrate Valentine's Dayonly together with a loved one, but also on a fun party or just with friends. Make a holiday really fun and memorable you will help Valentine's Day Contests.

"The Statue of Love"

Anyone can take part in this competition.number of people (four or more). It's best for the guys and the girl to be equally divided. The leader asks to stay in the room of one guy and one girl - the rest must go out. It is worthwhile to warn them beforehand so that they do not try to eavesdrop and peek - it will be uninteresting.

Remaining in the room, the couple tells the storythe following story. "In distant and distant lands, in the land of hopes and dreams, there is a city of Eternal Youth. It is the cleanest, brightest and most beautiful city in the world. It reigns eternal spring, and its inhabitants are the happiest people, because each of them knows first hand what true love is. In the center of the city of Eternal Youth is a beautiful square of Love. In this square people get acquainted and fall in love, meet on dates, reconcile after quarrels and marry. This area is decorated with a beautiful and unique statue of love. "

Having told the story, the leader suggests to the coupleto depict this statue - to accept poses, which, in their opinion, best symbolize love. As soon as the couple freezes, posing as a statue of love, the host invites one of the waiting participants into the room. The new participant is told the same story, and in the end offers him to be a sculptor and remake the statue of love to his liking.

The player can change the poses of the pair depictinga statue of love, at will, and they must obey him. When the new statue is completely ready, the presenter asks the "sculptor" to take the place of one of the "sculptures". If the "sculptor" was a guy, he took the place of a guy from a sculptural composition, and vice versa. Then the host invites the next "sculptor" (if the previous sculptor was a guy - then a girl, if the girl is a guy, respectively).

"Love does not love"

Players become or sit in a circle (in turn: guy - a girl, a guy - a girl, etc.). The facilitator suggests each participant to name two parts of the neighbor on the right: one - which they like, and the second - which does not like. For example: "My neighbor on the right I like the elbow and does not like the left little finger." When all the players speak out in turn, the leader asks everyone to kiss that part of the neighbor's body that they like, and bite the one that does not like it.

"Love is ..."

And in this contest, participants will have to think. At first, men will think. The presenter says that now all the men present at the festival will have to supplement the phrase "A woman is ..." It is necessary to speak in turn and not to repeat. For meditation - exactly five seconds, who did not manage to come up with an association - is out of the game. Associations can be practical at all: a woman is love, a woman is a cat, a woman is a mother, etc. When there is only one winner, the same competition is held among ladies present, only they need to be supplemented with the phrase "Man is ...". And then you can hold a "duel" between the winner and the winner, offering them to find as many associations with the word "love" - ​​in turn add the phrase "Love is ..."


The game is suitable for a large mixed company, inwhich everyone knows and does not hesitate of each other. All sit in a semicircle, the presenter chooses one "victim", sits it on a chair facing the rest of the players and blindfolds. The presenter asks "Who will kiss you?", Then randomly points to the players in the semicircle and asks "He?". The player on the chair must answer "No" or "Yes" (remember, his eyes are blindfolded, so you have to answer at random). As soon as the player answers "Yes", the presenter asks: "Where will he kiss you?" And as he pointed to the players, points to different parts of the body: "This way?" "No!" "Then here?" "No! "" Maybe here? "" Yes! "Lastly, the same way it turns out the number of kisses.

The player selected by the "victim" approaches her and kisses himin a certain part of the body the right number of times. When the player returns to the site, the "victim" is untied and offers to guess who kissed her. The "victim" has three attempts. If she guessed - the kissing player takes her place, if not - she is again blindfolded.

Other contests for Valentine's Day you can find here.

Valentine's Day Contests
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