Congratulations on February 23 in prose
Quite soon Defender of the Fatherland Day. Have you ever wondered how you will congratulate acquaintances of men, wake up to give a gift or congratulate men on February 23 in prose? Perhaps our unusual congratulations on February 23 in prose will push you to a thought!
It is believed that sentimentality is alien to men: "Donna Rosa, I'm an old soldier and I do not know the words of love ..." Therefore, beautiful congratulations in verse - not for them. We will not try to destroy the stereotype, it's an ungrateful job, but simply offer you congratulations on February 23 in prose.
Congratulations on February 23 in prose
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It is believed that the holiday on February 23 came up with "incounterbalance "the International Women's Day, March 8, in order not to be inferior to women. But what's the difference, why was the holiday invented? The main thing is that we have a wonderful opportunity to congratulate our dear men, and rejoice at what we are all the same - there are still things that only they can do that the fragile woman can not cope with. Congratulations!
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No matter how bloody and long the war was,it will certainly end in peace. So is there any point in starting a war if the result is known in advance? On this holiday, we want to wish that any war would end before it could start, and our defenders only had to protect us from hooligans!
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February is the harshest month of the year. Probably, that's why the most severe and important men's holiday falls on February. Dear our defenders of the Fatherland! Defending your homeland, you protect all of us - loved ones, women and children. After all, we so need your strength and support! Dear soldiers of our security and our happiness, we congratulate you on February 23! We love you very much!
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Defense of the Fatherland is a duty and a privilegereal men. A family is a tiny piece of an immense homeland, which you also need to protect. Dear our men, we are behind you - like behind a stone wall. You help us to be calm and confident in the future - and in today's day. Congratulations on the holiday!
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February 23 is a day of victories and courage, a dayhardness and strength. It is on this day that our dear men bathe in the rays of care, attention and love. Let our defenders never have to fight for real, and from a brave warlike battle cry is distributed only on the battlefield for financial well-being, and in the home life let always warmth, comfort and mutual understanding. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
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I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and I wish: beautiful and loving wife, a strong and cozy house, a charming and healthy child - all that a real man needs. And I hope that you will never have to protect them from danger in life. From February 23!
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I want to congratulate all men from February 23rd. Despite the fact that you no longer have to fight (and thank God!), You still remain real defenders. To protect us from the cold, you turn on the heater; to protect us from loneliness, you listen to our endless chatter; to protect us from self-doubt, you make us compliments. Thank you for what you are! Congratulations!
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I wish you such happiness in your personal life, thateven the most hardened bachelors wanted the same. I wish such a dream, a memory of which would support you in the most difficult moments. I want a car that easily left behind all the troubles that dared to chase after you, and there was only an endless road ahead and the blue sky ahead. Happy holiday, our dear men!
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Dear our men! We wish you, on your life's path, only good people meet, so that you do not have to protect anyone from your relatives and friends. Well, if you still have to stand up for someone who is dear to you, we are 100% sure that you will win! Congratulations!
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All men in childhood like to play in the war,run with pistols and imagine yourself as fearless pilots and tankmen. On this day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, we want to wish you that the game remained a game, and you never had to shoot people in real life to protect your relatives. Peaceful sky over your head! From February 23!
We hope that you liked our best congratulations on February 23 in prose. Congratulations to all men on the upcoming holiday!

Read also:
- Original congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland