April 1, 2011 - The Day of Laughter

The first mention of April Fools' Day jokes and jokes belong to the Middle Ages. According to one version, the holiday on April 1 appeared in France in the 16th century. Then the New Year was celebrated not on January 1, as now, but on March 25, and the celebration lasted a whole week, until April 1. In 1564, the French King Charles IX of the Roussillon Edict postponed the celebration of the New Year on January 1. But some residents continued to celebrate the New Year in the spring, so on the first of April they became an object of jokes and jokes.
This is only one version of the origin of thischeerful holiday. Be that as it may, April 1 is celebrated in Russia and CIS countries, France, Italy, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, USA, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. In each country, the celebration has its own characteristics. For example, in the UK, Australia, NewZealand and South Africa, you can make fun of friends only before lunch, and those who try to arrange a rally after 12 days, called April Fool (April Fool). And the holiday itself in English-speaking countries is called April Fools Day or All Fools "Day.
April 1, 2011 be prepared for the fact that not only your friends and acquaintances will be able to play you, but also the media workers. Many newspapers, radio stations, TV channels and websites Do not miss the opportunity to play your audienceon the Day of Laughter. Therefore, in many countries April Fools' rallies in the media are regulated by law: their effect may be too large.
So, 1 April 1993 Dave Rickards, DJ-radio station KGB-FM inSan Diego, told the audience that the space shuttle Discovery, instead of the Edwards airbase, will land at the small Montgomery Field municipal airport. Thousands of people went to the airport to see for themselves the landing of the shuttle. But this news was a rally: at that moment the shuttle was not even in orbit.
Radio stations do not lag behind television channels. One of the most famous televised April Fools is "Spaghetti tree". April 1, 1957 in the TV program of the Air Force"Panorama" was shown a three-minute video about an unusually rich harvest of spaghetti in Switzerland. After the release of the transfer, the phone of the channel was torn from hundreds of calls from people who wanted to learn how to grow a spaghetti tree at home.
With the advent of the Internet,April it became even easier, because the online audience does not even have millions - billions of users. Moreover, the April Fools' jokes "even pampered" even large sites of solid organizations, for example, NASA. April 1, 2005 on the official website of NASA a sensational news was published: on Mars they found water. Users were invited to see pictures of water on Mars. The pictures really showed water on Mars - a glass of water, standing on a chocolate bar "Mars".
Such large-scale drawings have only one minus: often people consider April Fools' jokes serious news. For the rally took an earthquake onAleutian Islands April 1, 1946, the death of King George II of Greece on April 1, 1947, and the national holiday of Iran, Republic Day, which is celebrated on April 1 since 1979, is still often taken for a joke.
Do not forget to play on April 1, 2011 yourfriends and acquaintances! If you do not know how to do it better - you can use our ideas: The Country of Soviets has prepared for you several funny jokes. Happy laughter for you!