Subcutaneous mite in catsPets, like people, are prone tovarious diseases. The carriers of diseases can serve as fleas and ticks, which are sometimes not so easy to find under the animal's fur. But worst of all, when the blood-sucking parasites for a very long time do not show their vital activity on the animal's body. Here and very dangerous subcutaneous tick in cats can long enough not to show its presence.

Strange as it may seem, a lot of cats are affected by different kinds of ticks all over the world. Often the mite cohabits on the cat's body, without causing visible diseases. But this only happens ifthe animal is completely healthy. Unfortunately, the subcutaneous tick shows its vital activity only when the animal is weakened by previous diseases. As a result, lesions and symmetrically located centers of alopecia can appear on the skin. Most often the hair begins to fall in the ears, around the eyes, on the bridge of the nose, on the chest, stomach, tail. This disease has a scientific name - demodecosis.

Demodecosis in cats - this is a rare enough, but a dangerous phenomenon. The fact is that the mite lives not only on the animal's skin, but also lays its eggs in the hair follicle. Because of the vital activity of this parasite, cats have various symptoms, which the animal owners must pay attention to.

Symptoms of subcutaneous mites

Depending on the type of mite that parasitizes on the animal, there are various symptoms. So, ticks like Demodex cati do not cause irritation in the animal, although they live in the hair follicles. They do not cause any itching and do not bring any discomfort to the cat.

But there is another kind of mite - Demodex gatoi, which lives on the surface of the skin. It is these mites that lead to the fact that on the skin of an animal there are small pimples and scabs that the cat will constantly scratch. Also on the body of the animal will begin to appearrapidly expanding bald places. Mainly soft soft tissues around the eyes and in the ears are affected. In more severe cases, the coat begins to fall on the abdomen and chest.

To the manifestation of the life of a tick can also be attributed dandruff in an animal. This manifestation of the disease also carries danger to the masters of the animal. Through small parts of the exfoliated skin in which the tick is located, demodectic can also be transmitted to a person.

Demodecosis in cats can only be diagnosed in a veterinary clinic. This requires a scraping of the skin and a biopsy of the affected tissue. Only after the animal is diagnosed, you can begin treatment. All medicines will be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats

Treatment of demodectic the cats last a very long time, since the mites themselvesThey have a thick shell, which protects them from the effects of various drugs. In the treatment of this disease, it should be noted that there are different forms of demodicosis.

Easiest to treat localized forms of the disease. After 6-8 weeks the animal will be completelyhealthy, and the wool will again begin to grow on the bald areas of the skin. But the fact is that this form of the disease is very rarely recorded in cats. More common is the generalized form of demodicosis.

In the generalized form of demodecosis treatment will last for severalmonths. For this, various antiparasitic drugs will be used. Also, injections of immunostimulating drugs will not interfere with the cat. Different complexes of vitamins will also help the animal fight demodicosis. To control the treatment, additional scrapings will be required to ascertain the effectiveness of the drugs.

Fortunately, demodicosis in cats is much easier than in dogs. And in certain cases, spontaneous self-healing may occur. But in any case it will be necessary to conduct a course of treatment of this disease in the veterinary clinic.

Subcutaneous mite in cats

Video about demodicosis

We recommend watching a video about the symptoms and treatment of subcutaneous tick in cats.

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