Bamboo curtains in the interior of the apartment

Fashion for everything natural and environmentally friendlyis gaining momentum, so the interiors in the style of high-tech with an abundance of plastic hand over the position, and the foreground is the eco-interior. One of the most popular natural materials used in interior design is bamboo. Why not hang in the room bamboo curtains?
Bamboo curtains are appreciated by designers because they combine both decorative and practical functions. Bamboo is known as one of the most environmentally friendly natural materials. It has antistatic and antibacterial properties; behind bamboo curtains it is easy to look after, as on them dust practically does not accumulate.
Bamboo curtains are distinguished by their durability and moisture resistance. They can be hung, for example, in the bathroom or on thebalcony, and they will still serve you long enough. Since bamboo is resistant to ultraviolet light, bamboo curtains can be hung even on the eastern or southern window - they do not burn out.
And as a decorative element, bamboo curtains attract their naturalness. They are able to make your home cozy, stylish and beautiful. The color range of bamboo curtains is quite wide, so that you can certainly choose the color that best suits the decor of the room.
Bamboo curtains are made from thin stems of bamboo, which are intertwined with a natural fiber. Usually they are cheaper than blinds,because the requirements for curtains are less stringent (meaning the width of the stem, the minimum width of the lamellae in the bamboo blinds is usually 25 mm, curtains can also be made from thinner strips).
By the way, frequency of weaving is an important criterion when choosing bamboo curtains. Still, the main function of any curtains -practical, protection from sunlight. The more frequent weaving at the curtains, the less light they let in the room. In this case, even curtains with frequent and dense weaving do not interfere with normal air exchange.

Bamboo curtains are divided into species depending on the location of the stems: they are vertical and horizontal. On the windows are most often hung horizontal bamboo curtains, because over time they are less stretched, and the control mechanism for such curtains is more wear-resistant and comfortable.
Horizontal bamboo curtains are roll and Roman depending on the mechanism of lifting the canvas. Roller blinds when lifting, roll down into a roll, located above the window opening. A Roman curtains when going up they fold.
When buying any of these two types of curtains, you need to keep in mind that to install them you need free space above the window height of 17-30 cm (depending on the type of curtains). A box will be installed in this space. The size of the box usually depends on the thickness of the curtains (the thinner the curtains, the smaller the box).
If this space is not available, fastening inwalls or ceiling. But this needs to be stipulated with the purchase in advance, because the fastening elements are usually not included in the standard kit. Yes, and independently install curtains in this way is not recommended. Directly on the window frame bamboo curtains are not installed!
AT vertical curtains stems of bamboo, thin lamellas or wickerThe canvas is threaded onto the cord or attached to the cornice by hooks. The most famous type of vertical curtains are bamboo curtains, which are rarely hung over a window, and are usually used instead of interior doors or for zoning rooms.
Bamboo curtains do not need anyspecific care. You only need to wipe them with a damp cloth from time to time or vacuum with a soft nozzle. Despite the moisture resistance of curtains made of bamboo, they can not be washed with household detergents: this can lead to deformation of the lamellas and discoloration.
Bamboo curtains - an excellent design solution for those who not only appreciate the beauty and originality of the interior, but also cares about his health and the state of the environment.