French braid: three simple ways of weaving from beauty bloggers
Ordinary scythe - too boring? An exquisite fistern is what you need for the summer season. The braid "fish tail" tames disobedient dense curls, and thin hair is given by natural volume. In our selection - three light master-classes from fashion stylists, thanks to which you can perform the installation yourself.
Fishteil - a permanent summer hair-trend
Before embarking on complex multi-rowweaving, it is worth learning the basics. Comb your hair, sprinkle with spray-fluid, divide into a straight part, gather into the side tail and fasten with an elastic band. Divide the tail in half and begin to form a dense braid, separating small strands and wrapping them alternately around each tail. After finishing the weaving, remove the elastic and place the desired shape - the side fishte is ready.
A simple tutorial from stylists Christine Ess and Lauren Conrad
Having learned the basics, proceed to a more complexoption - direct French weaving. Separate part of the hair in the parietal area, dissect into three strands and begin to weave the usual braid. Weave into it alternately thin strands from the temples and sides, gradually collecting the entire mass of hair into a volume "fish tail". The thinner the strand - the more textured and beautiful it will be. After completing the styling, lightly fluff the "links" of the spit with your fingers.
French Scythe: Secrets of Styling from Mimi Icon
The scythe is not everything: with the help of a fisheye it is possible to create elegant hairstyles for any occasion. Fishnet "fish tail" will decorate the laying-wreath, elegant bundles, bunches or netting-"mesh".
Stylish laying with a French weave from Missy Sue