Cracks in the hands: the causes of appearance and treatment with home remedies
Cracks in the hands - common cosmeticdefect, accompanied by pain and dry skin. Especially often this problem is dealt with by women who daily put their hands on the negative impact of aggressive chemicals. But household chemicals are not the only cause of cracks in the fingers and palms. About why there are cracks on the hands and what they can be treated we will tell further.
Why there were cracks on the hands: the main reasons
Before you start treating cracks on the fingers and palms, you need to establish the cause of their appearance. Among the main factors provoking the appearance of this defect, it should be noted:
external aggressive factors. This can be as frequent use of harmful household chemicals without gloves, and unfavorable weather conditions - great frost or strong wind.
various skin diseases. Cracks in the hands can be the result of a fungal infection that has penetrated through the cut or one of the symptoms of many skin diseases. For example, with psoriasis, cracks on the palms are accompanied by very dry skin and peeling. And with allergic reactions, there are often cracks between the fingers or near the nails, which are accompanied by severe itching.
avitaminosis. The lack of such necessary vitamins, as A and E, immediately affects the condition of the skin and hair. In particular, such a deficit provokes the appearance of cracks on the palms and fingertips.
hormonal disorders. With endocrine diseases, cracks on the hands are a symptom that practically can not be treated with ointments and baths. In this case, only an endocrinologist can prescribe an effective treatment, and it will be aimed primarily at normalizing the hormonal background.
Cracks in the hands: treatment with home remedies
Self-healing of cracks on the fingers and palms possibleOnly if you are sure that they are the result of the harmful effects of external factors. If you suspect an endocrine or skin disease, you should consult a specialist. In folk medicine, for rapid healing of cracks, several methods of treatment are used: home-made ointments, herbal medicinal herbs and baby baths. These methods can be combined with each other, which will contribute to faster recovery. We bring to your attention several effective options for treating cracks in the hands, which are easy to prepare in a conventional kitchen.
So, a very effective procedure that promotesrapid softening of dry and cracked skin - a tub with potato starch. To make such a bath it is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of starch and pour it with a glass of steep boiling water. Then add 0.5 liters of warm water to the mixture and put the hands down for 10-15 minutes. Then the skin of hands should be smeared with a nutritious cream or natural oil.
Good for deep, long-term non-healingcracked ointment based on herbs and honey. To make it you will need a turn, chamomile, calendula and plantain in equal proportions. Herbs need to be mixed, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to insist on the night, and in the morning drain the decoction. To 1 tbsp. l of broth should be added 50 gr. butter and 1 tbsp. l honey, mix everything thoroughly. Apply ointment should be on the cracked areas 2-3 times a day.
In addition, with frequent occurrence of cracks in thepalms it is superfluous to systematically make medical compresses based on nettle, string or aloe. To prepare a compress it is enough to moisten a thick layer of gauze in the decoction of herbs and apply to the cracks for several hours, wearing dense gloves on top.