Dark spots
Pigmented spots are a skin hypermelanosis,caused by too high a melanin content. Pigmentation occurs fairly dark (almost black) and light (brown, rusty) color. Spots can be present from birth or appear with time on the face and other parts of the body.
Causes of pigmentation and types
There are many factors that provoke the appearance of pigmented spots. Among them note the following:
Thyroid gland diseases;
dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder;
strong exposure to sunlight;
genetic predisposition;
ovarian diseases;
hormonal reorganization (pregnancy, treatment with oral contraceptives);
consequences of injuries, burns;
permanent wearing of synthetic things, as well as prolonged contact with rubber products;
laser exposure to the skin (peeling, hair removal), face cleansing and other procedures, accompanied by trauma to the epidermis;
prolonged depression, neurasthenia, psychosis;
the use of certain cosmetic and medicament agents.
There are several types of pigmentation.
Freckles. The most common species caused by the accumulation of melanin in certain areas. Usually freckles are typical for people with a light skin tone. Can appear not only on the face, but also on the hands, chest. With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, freckles tend to become darker. As for the cold season, at this time they are able to become almost invisible.
Nevus (birthmarks, birthmarks). Spots with fairly even outlines. Moles are considered normal on the human body, but if they degenerate into neoplasms (malignant), then treatment or removal is necessary. In such cases, nevuses change color, shape, texture and cause discomfort to the patient.
Chloasma (melasma). These are rather large spots with uneven edges. They often appear on the body of young women. This is due to hormonal failures due to menstruation, pregnancy, lactation period, intake of OK. Chloasma can grow larger under the influence of the sun.
Lentigo. This type is the age-related pigmentation characteristic of the elderly. Appears on the face, neck, arms, chest.
Vitiligo (albinism). This disease is extremely rare and almost impossible to treat. Its features are not fully understood. The disease consists in the complete or partial absence of melanocytes in the patient. On the body there are colorless spots that turn into burns in case of direct sunlight falling on them. Perhaps degeneration into malignant neoplasms. Such patients must also protect their eyes from ultraviolet exposure by means of contact lenses.
Methods for eliminating pigmentation
It should be understood that stain removal is notsimple cosmetic procedure. First it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and, possibly, an oncologist. Most likely, you will need to pass tests for the state of hormones. Sometimes pigmentation occurs as a result of some disease, and to eliminate it, you must first cure.
Not too noticeable and large pigment spots can be eliminated with special creams and masks. Heavier forms are amenable to treatment with a variety of hardware procedures.
Fruit peelings, cryotherapy, glycolic and other non-aggressive chemical skin cleansing methods help to whiten stains.