Manicure at home

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul,the state of hands can also say a lot about the life of their possessor. They are constantly in sight, which is why it is so important to monitor their beauty and health. Today, many beauty salons offer appropriate services, but what if there is no time and money to go to the salon, and you want to have beautiful handles?

Make a manicure at home mucheasier than it seems. It is enough just to acquire the necessary tools, a little "to fill your hand", and the flawless appearance of your fingers will delight you every day!

Manicure at home

Unedged manicure

Practically all experts of cosmeticians believe,that the unedged manicure is the safest and most useful. Make it at home is very simple and fast, so if you have little time and you urgently need to run to work or an important meeting, this option will do just fine. There are several types of unedged manicure:

  • dry - steaming the skin is not necessary, but if you have sensitive skin, it can provoke an allergic reaction.

  • wet - preliminary softening of the cuticle in a bath with warm water or a soapy solution.

  • hot - is designed for very "neglected" cases, when the cuticles and the skin of the hands are heavily loaded. Hot method is most often used in beauty salons.

Unedged equipment has a number of undeniableadvantages in comparison with other species, however, it has its own contraindications. So, it is not suitable for treating thick or coarse skin. For this purpose it is better to resort to a classical or mixed type. However, in this case, the nails will get an impeccable appearance only after 5-7 sessions. Advantages of unedged water manicure at home:

  • The cuticle remover contains special ingredients that help slow down their growth. If you apply it at each session, then procedures can be performed much less often.

  • while, with the classical technique often injured the root of the nail, unedged manicure will insure you from these painful sensations.

  • most people are afraid to go to procedures because of painful and unpleasant sensations. Unedged technology does not cause any discomfort, unlike the classical one.

  • one of the most effective ways to deal with burrs.

  • The cuticle remover contains special ingredients that help slow down their growth. If you apply it at each session, then procedures can be performed much less often.

  • while, with the classical technique often injured the root of the nail, unedged manicure will insure you from these painful sensations.

  • most people are afraid to go to procedures because of painful and unpleasant sensations. Unedged technology does not cause any discomfort, unlike the classical one.

  • one of the most effective ways to deal with burrs.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • means for removing cuticles

  • manicure stick for cuticles

  • nail file

  • cotton swabs

  • Cuticle oil

  • bath for hands

  • liquid soap

  • broth chamomile / calendula, lemon juice, essential oils for addition to the bath (optional)

  • towel

  • hand cream

It is best to use a paper nail file withsputtering or ceramic, as they practically do not injure the keratinous nail layer. As for the sticks to move the cuticles, it is better to use silicone or plastic, because it can be easily and quickly disinfected before each session. Wooden sticks for manicure at home are recommended to use no more than 2 times, and in beauty salons they are completely disposable.

Method of implementation:

  1. Using the nail file, give the nails the desired shape. If your nails are prone to brittleness and delamination, direct the nail file from the center of the plate to the edges, moving in the same direction and not working too hard on the edges. Specialists cosmetologists recommend not to cut their scissors, and immediately proceed to the treatment with a file. But if you are used to working with scissors, try to cut the nail in one movement.

  2. Manicure at home

  3. In the bath, dilute the liquid soap in warm water. If desired, you can add there healing herbs of herbs or natural remedies for strengthening and lightening. Hold hands in water for 5 minutes, wipe them with a towel.

  4. The base should be treated with the cuticle remover. When it dissolves the coarse layer (3-5 minutes), remove it with a cotton swab.

  5. With the help of a stick, move the non-dissolvedpart of the cuticles closer to the root. If you are doing unedged manicure at home for the first time, it is better to use tweezers or scissors to remove the remaining cuticle parts. After 3-4 sessions, this will no longer be necessary.

  6. Cover the cuticle with oil to slow growth, rubbing it into the cuticle itself and into the nail plate.

  7. If you want to cover your nails with varnish, you need to thoroughly degrease the surface. Otherwise, oil for cuticles will not allow the lacquer to lie flat, and it will disappear after a while.

Manicure at home

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