Manicure at home

Beautiful and well-groomed hands - business cardneat woman. On the creation of an ideal manicure, some ladies spared no effort, time and money, regularly attending beauty salons. But what to do to those who are constantly busy with business or does not have enough money to spend it on caring for nails. Our recommendations and women's tricks on how to do a manicure at home will come to the rescue.

Manicure at home

Lessons of home manicure

Cosmetology came up with many originaltypes of manicure: French, aquatic, lunar, summer, gradient, etc. Regardless of your choice, the first thing to do is to carefully prepare the nails for treatment. This process can be presented step-by-step in the following ways:

  1. The first step is to clean the nails of old varnish particles. To do this, take a cotton swab or a disc, soak it in a solvent and wash the substance until completely eliminated.

  2. Using small scissors or nippers, shorten the nails to the desired length.

  3. Take the nail file and get engagednecessary form, making smooth movements in the direction from the edge of the nail plate to its middle. You can choose a variety of shapes: sharp, square, oval. The main thing is that it is on your hands that the chosen option looked beautiful.

  4. Then dip your hands in a bowl with warm water and hold for a while. After that, wipe them with a towel and smear the cuticles with a moisturizer.

  5. Using a special nail-cleaning, carefully remove from the nail plates all the dirt.

  6. Then take the manicure scapula and slideskin around the nails. Do not forget about caution, try not to injure yourself. After this procedure, apply a small amount of cream to your fingertips.

  7. Remember one nuance: doing a manicure at home, do not remove the cuticle with scissors - this only contributes to the accelerated regeneration of tissue.

  8. Then you should get rid of the burrs and again well disinfect the nails. Then you can polish the nail plates.

  9. Rinse your hands with water, wipe with a towel, apply a small amount of cream and lightly massage the brushes.

Apply the nail polish

Painting varnish has some subtleties of technology. Let's consider all stages of the given process:

  1. Prepare the foundation - this will help you get a deeper and even shade of manicure. The base should dry for a short time, after which it is possible to coat the nails with varnish.

  2. To start, shake the vial with the contents well, remove the brush from it and remove any excess liquid from the edge of the vial.

  3. Apply the coating as follows: touch the middle of the nail plate with a brush and draw it up, then paint the sides of the nail.

  4. After the first layer has dried, you can start repainting.

  5. If a little coating gets on the cuticle, remove it with a cotton swab dipped in a solvent.

  6. The color of the varnish also matters. For example, women with a yellowish skin tone should choose red or pink tones for themselves. If you own a long narrow form of nails, your option - any intense and dark colors. If the nails are not perfect by nature, have some irregularities or grooves, do not use mother of pearl.

Manicure at home

Proper nutrition for nail beauty

In addition to all the above tips, I would also like to pay special attention to what should be a diet to maintain the beauty of the hands and nails. Here is the list of the most useful products:

  • Nuts and sunflower seeds

  • chicken eggs and broth from a bird

  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties

  • fresh vegetables, salads, cereals

  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurt, cheese

  • fresh juices

  • seafood, greens

Manicure at home

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